Pictures in PURs missing after update on 11/24/16

After the WME update this evening the PURs stopped showing the pictures. Tested with tampermonkey disabled and same results.

Confirmed not loading also from my side.

Location: Malaysia.

Confirmed on my side, too (Saudi Arabia).

This is what I get when trying to open the image in a new tab


look’s like Waze changed the way they handle PUR images in WME

Waze need to fix this problem.

If you change your PC date to earlier than 25th, photo can be loaded successfully.

Yeah pictures not showing up for me either.

Somebody forgot to renew the certificate for * (or forgot to deploy it to this server) which is being used by the image hosting server Looks like they might need some more monitoring in place :wink:

Seems to be fixed now.

Yep, it’s working now