[Script] WME-Send-To-Slack (Discord, Telegram and GForms)

With the current version, the settings button is only available when you have a Place selected.
@tunisiano18 is still working on it, but in the mean time you can set it up on a fresh install this way.

Hi, currently the workaround by selecting a place still doesn’t allow the script to work as selecting a segment resets the chosen state.

Here is a screen recording showcasing the bug:

Edit:The script isn't working at this time. Due to the Content Security Policy adopted by Waze. As soon as we have more news will share it.

Hi everyone I wan to let you know that the script has been updated. Please make sure you have the latest version: 2022.12.04.01
It fixes the missing settings icon, but not in all cases. This is still buggy/glitchy. In order for this (settings icon) to work, please make sure to have disabled the Script URC-E, since there is an incompatibility for now. The icon will only appear after selecting and de-selecting a segment (with URC-E disabled).

Once you complete the setting up process, you can continue and enable the URC-E Script, because the settings are saved now. This is a temporary solution while we get this fully working again.

Please also note, that the settings icon has moved from the segment tabs to the feeds and so on tabs.

Special thanks to @edwardnavarro, @grosshad and @Uwe4Waze.

If you’re unable to Update or Force Update, please fully remove the script from TM and use this:
Update URL

Hi @BeastlyHaz , can you confirm if this is still happening?.


Hi Gutrixo,

No, the issue with the state selection seems to be solved now. Requests don’t seem to be following through into the Australian Discord though.

Another thing to note is that having the JAI script enabled will also cause the settings tab to be blank.

Great, unfortunately at the moment we can’t send requests from the script to Discord, Slack, GForms and Telegram due to a new security policy implemented by Waze. We are waiting for news, we have a solution ready but it is not yet feasible to implement it.

I ask for your patience while this is being resolved. As soon as we have news, Tunisiano or I will be updating you and launching a new update.


Hello all,

I have populated a new update today.

The problem related about not being able to send requests through the script was resolved in a previous version. Todays version fixes some missing icons for making closures related requests.

By the way I need to update you about a new issue we are facing right now. In order to maintin your community channels secure we use a technology to secure your webhooks and so on; we are having troubles right now to modify that secure file (which is neccesary to send the requests). So, this means that at this moment we are unable to handle new-commers or new country requests.

In the meantime I request you to be patient. We are already working into a solution but it will take time; because of work. I know that at least 3 countries are pending to be added, but at least at this moment there’s nothing more we can do.

Stay safe.


Hello all again,

I must inform you that I have updated some pending countries requests. By the way I will require you to fill again the Google Forms if your country it’s still missing in order to add you.

I was forced to modify manually the DataBase due to some External Sec. Policies (out of our control). So… If you have sent the Form to be added between March 29th of 2022 until today I will require you to fill again the form in order to add you.

We are now receiving new country requests.


Don’t hesitate to contact me in Discord by the way.

I have a suggestion for WME Send to Discord. We should add support for threads. This would be good because right now, if I want to post a request in a thread, I have to de-obfuscate the webhook and edit the link myself, it’d be nicer if there was an option in its settings pane to input the Thread ID and have the script do the work for me.​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​


New countries added…
Kenya March 14-24, UAE March 14-24, Ireland Sept. 20-24.

I’m not sure if this was implemented in a previous version. Will check.