[Script] WME Validator v2025.01.22 (+ PLACES BETA)

What is WME Validator?
WME Validator is an open source, GPLv3 licensed script that validates a map area in Waze Map Editor, highlights issues and generates a very detailed report with wiki references and solutions (see demo report in this forum post)
F.A.Q.: forum link
Complete list of validations: forum link
How to translate and set up Validator for your country: forum link

Why WME Validator?

  • Validator reports issues for your country and provides links to the country wiki. See how to adjust Validator for your country: forum link
  • Validator highlights issues, not features. For example, it highlights not just any locked segment, but only if the lock is an issue.
  • There are many country-specific checks on every segment and counting! See complete list of validations: forum link

Download links:
> For Chrome browser please download the script at Chrome Web Store
> For Firefox browser download the script at GitHub.com or GreasyFork
Note: for Firefox browser you also need Tampermonkey installed.
[b]Main package includes English and the following translations:
French by arbaot and ClementH44
Hebrew by gad_m
Polish by Zniwek
Spanish by robindlc and fernandoanguita

  • localization for 19+ countries[/b]
    Other languages and localizations to download and install (optionally)*:

Changelog: please follow this forum link

Known issues:

  • Some checks are temporarily disabled

Please note, Validator does not work over certain territories. It’s not a bug.
WME Validator is based on WMET script: link


Nice tool!

I assume this takes account of countries where people drive on the left (and roundabouts are clockwise). Can you add Ireland to the list of countries like this? All our roundabouts are being reported as being backwards :slight_smile:

++David \ davidg666

Nice stuff here. Please add to https://www.waze.com/wiki/Plugins

Text bubble reads “Click ‘Report’ to review map issues” but there is no button named “Report” that I can see. There is a “Show report” button though.

Example where reverse connection does not appear to be detected: https://www.waze.com/editor/?zoom=6&lat=45.48299&lon=-122.80377&env=usa&nodes=33330449. All three 2-way segments have an allowed connection reverse into the 1-way segment, but WMEV doesn’t catch it.

Suggestions: If you can have only one active “report” then I would suggest a single icon to run the report and then clear the report. The two buttons which look like “Play” and “Trash” are ok, but a single button which switches makes more sense. Also, I was a bit wary about clicking the Trash icon because the possibility of it meaning “delete something from the Waze map” was present in my mind. The icon currently matches the Waze delete icon, so at least that should change.

Request: Add detection of segments which share the same two endpoints: https://www.waze.com/editor/?zoom=6&lat=45.4946&lon=-122.80044&env=usa&segments=40454884,61233176

This is known to cause routing errors and incorrect start-point display issues in the app. Also can cause the “requested route” information for Update Requests to show the wrong segment.

When I select an interstate segment, it pops up a warning about city name being in the city field. It wants me to remove the city name from the interstate. I didn’t think that was set in stone.

I agree. WMEV should not give this guidance. And WMEV links to https://www.waze.com/wiki/Fixing_“smudged”_cities which doesn’t say anything about No Name for freeway segments.

This is awesome! I’ve noticed I can’t switch tabs while waiting to finish the scan - it appears to stop when I go to a different tab and then start over when I switch back. Nonetheless, this is a really helpful extension.

VERY good stuff here. Thanks! A suggestion:

Since dead-ends are supposed to have U-Turns hard disabled, it would be helpful to show the dead-end U-Turn alert for all end nodes that do NOT have the U-Turn hard disabled. Currently it only shows for hard enabled and soft enabled, it does not show for soft disabled.

Wiki: https://www.waze.com/wiki/Map_Editing_Quick-start_Guide#U-Turns_at_the_end_of_dead-end-streets

Example: https://www.waze.com/editor/?zoom=5&lat=41.74431&lon=-72.44168&layers=TBFTFFTTTTFTTFTFTFTTTTTTTTT&env=usa

I’m seeing the validator highlight/flash a LOT of segments, but when I click on them, nothing is shown.

Also, seems there’s a bug with false-positive for unknown segment direction:

There is a property in WME for left hand traffic and Validator takes it into account. For instance here is a “normal” (B->A) left-hand roundabout in Ireland: permalink and here is reversed left-hand (A->B) roundabout: permalink

Let me know if you want to completely disable this check for Ireland or change the check title/description.



While you are panning the map the issues are highlighted and reported. So you can click clear button any time to start the report over. If there are too many segments reported/cached, the clear report button becomes red.

The trash icon has changed.

Ok, the check is disabled for US.

Drag the tab out to create a new window. Then do not minimize it, but just switch back to original window. At least this trick works for me.

There was a bug with soft turns detection. This segment will be reported/highlighted now as having soft turns.

There is a “Might be incomplete city name” check, which reports segments with too short or partially duplicating city names.

This check has limits for different cases. If number of suspicious segments exceeds the limit, the Validator “unreport” all of those segments.

For instance, if we have segments with “City” and “City Plus”, Validator “unreport” them if there are more than 10 segments with such a name.

Give me a permalink I’ll have a look if that is the case.

Validator reports here that the segment is highlighted by the WME Color Highlight (WCH). Maybe you are using another script, which colors the segment in #00ffff (that’s the color for “Unknown directions” in WCH.) You can disable those reports in Settings->WCH: Report highlighted segments

Thanks for the feedback!

Thanks for your response - however:

  1. both of those roundabouts you mention above are correct (clockwise), even though one runs A->B and the other runs B->A. Possibly some of them are older and created with Cartouche, which may have created the segments a different way around (or maybe WME did once)
  2. A great many roundabouts here (just pan around Dublin (we have plenty of roundabouts :slight_smile: ) are reported as being incorrect, even when they’re not.

It looks like ‘newer’ roundabouts (created around 2013) seem to run B->A and aren’t flagged as wrong, but a lot of ‘older’ roundabouts (created around 2011) run A->B - both of these are correct on the map, but the A-B roundabouts are flagged as incorrect.

I suspect this is the case for other countries where people drive on the left, and possibly for all countries, including those where people drive on the right. (I haven’t had time yet to look at other countries’ roundabouts)

Can I suggest that you look around for older (2011 or so) roundabouts and compare with newer (2013 or later) roundabouts? (if this seems to affect drive-on-the-left countries only, maybe look at Australia, New Zealand or Japan and not the UK, since the UK has had a basemap import and may have more consistent roundabouts) I suspect that WME (or Cartouche) didn’t always create roundabouts with the segments running A->B or B->A. For this reason, I don’t think your roundabout correctness checking is correct, if it’s just based on the order of segment end points.

Perhaps you could disable this check until it works consistently (and can handle both A->B and B->A roundabouts)?

++David \ davidg666

I’ve tried disabling all other scripts, yet this one still doesn’t seem to “validate” anything. It shows up, I click the Play button, it pans around, finishes scanning, then nothing. No report (button stays greyed out).

Chrome 31, in tapermonkey. I’ll try from the Chrome store later. Can’t use Firefox right now, it’s completely broken since it updated to 27 for me.

Script has the wrong forum URL for “Website.” In the Extensions window, the “Visit website” link is https://www.waze.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=61518, which is for a different extension. :slight_smile:

The checkboxes under the Validator section don’t seem to save between permalinks/sessions. Is this by design? (Because I would expect if I uncheck “Exclude non-drivables and streets” that it would stay that way.

Just installed this tool, and am really liking it so far. Now I can even spot something I goofed on before I get a note from my RC telling me, “You goofed on this part over here
” :lol:

One thing I’ve noticed, and I don’t know if it’s something that can be done anything about or not: When I click on a segment that flashed, sometimes after fixing and saving, it will stop flashing when I move the map, and other times, I have to click on the segment again for it to realize that the segment was fixed. One example that comes to mind is the dead-end U-Turn indicator. I can fix it and save it, but if I move the map a bit, it will continue to flash the segment. If I select the segment again and then click somewhere else to deselect it, it then stops flashing that segment as a problem.

Need more info here. At the moment the “Unneeded node A/B” reports are disabled.

Fixed in 0.4.3.

You are right. Please check the new “Inconsistent roundabout direction” report which just checks adjacent roundabout segment directions and reports if they are different.

There is a chance you have a perfectly mapped area :wink:

Fixed in the script, on userscripts etc.

Yep, that was the idea :lol: In 0.4.3 there are just 2 default options: non-editables and duplicates. Let me know if it’s ok now or shall I store the values across sessions.

And the same with the settings: there are just 2 persistent options

There is an internal segment cache. Validator revalidates only new, selected or unselected segments. Please try 0.4.3, there some changes in highlighting. Please report if the problem is still there.

0.4.3 is published. See my original post for the download links or force update in your browser.

Ok, there’s one other kind-of odd thing I’ve noticed. This segment of road is effectively a loop road, yet the validator is flashing it as having unneeded nodes A and B. Is that something which can be fixed, or is it too hard for the script to be able to figure that out and we just have to know that it should be ignored in this case?