I’d like to report a small issue with a false positive for abbreviations in France (yes, again, my last bug report was about that too): E.Leclerc/E. Leclerc is the name of a store in France, and roads that include its name get a warning about an incorrect abbreviation. It looks like it could be, but the name of the store is indeed E.Leclerc, with the E not standing for anything (anymore).
It’s not a priority, but if it could be fixed in a future version, that would help. Thanks in advance.
davidakachaos: minor fixed for unverified speed limits
davidakachaos: add exceptions for speed limit checks
davidakachaos: adjust reports in segment properties
davidakachaos: fix restrictions bug
carloslaso: add Mexico localization
other minor changes
berestovskyy: add custom check variables: speedLimit,
speedLimitAB, speedLimitBA and checkSpeedLimit
berestovskyy: ignore speed limits issues on streets and ramps.
Please use custom checks instead.
Also commit redirecting links to Wazeopedia is reverted. Seems most of the links work now, but might point to an outdated page on wiki though.
davidakachaos: new checks for unverified/unset/wrong speed limit
davidakachaos: enabled/adjusted some checks for NL
davidakachaos: fix “Show report” and other pop up windows
davidakachaos: new check #220 “No connection for public segment”
davidakachaos: fix revalidate segment after an edit
davidakachaos: fix checks related to restrictions
other minor fixes
davidakachaos: fix switching to/from event mode
davidakachaos: fix “unneeded node” for segments with different speeds
davidakachaos: fix WMECH integration bug
add GreasyFork release script
disable checks 114 and 115 (drivable & non-drivable)
davidakachaos: transfer NL translations from Greasyfork
other minor changes
First public open source release (BETA)
03.11.2016 v1.1.20:
Fixed #23 Unconfirmed road
04.06.2016 v1.1.19:
Fixed WME Beta
Fixed icons in segment properties
The work is still in progress…
02.06.2016 v1.1.18:
Fixed Firefox browser
Added Validator tab
01.06.2016 v1.1.17:
Fixed (some) icons
Fixed (some) event handlers
29.01.2016 v1.1.16:
Fixed Firefox browser (thanks to Glodenox)
Updated CZ localizations
13.12.2015 v1.1.15:
Updated US and CZ localizations
17.11.2015 v1.1.14:
Updated styles to match the latest WME
Updated for PL #171 and #52
Updated for US #171 ‘Incorrect abbreviation’
16.11.2015 v1.1.13:
Updated for US #171 ‘Incorrect abbreviation’
Added ‘At the bottom’ option
05.11.2015 v1.1.10:
Updated for US #171 ‘Incorrect abbreviation’
Minor update: latest WME compatibility.
Removed ‘Two-way segments by default’ option
06.01.2015 v1.1.6:
Updated for PL #171 ‘Street name abbreviations’
Disabled for IL #109 ‘Too short segment’
06.01.2015 v1.1.5:
Temporary disabled #36, 37 (Unneded node A/B)
Fixed the crash on a new segment save
07.10.2014 v1.1.3:
Updated Polish translations thanks to Zniwek
Enabled for ES #130-133 ‘Custom lock levels’
Updated #114 and #115 ‘Non-drivable connected to
drivable’: excluded Railroads
01.10.2014 v1.1.2:
Disabled for IL #28 ‘Street name on two-way Ramp’
Updated Polish abbreviations
Fixed custom checks #135-139
Updated Spanish translations thanks to robindlc
Enabled for NL #150-154 ‘Lock levels’
Updated segment properties UI
30.08.2014 v1.1.1:
Fixed ‘Two-way segments by default’ option
29.08.2014 v1.1.0:
Compatibility with beta WME
Note: some checks are still disabled
Updated for BE #160 ‘Incorrect Freeway name’
Disabled for IL #91 ‘Two-way Ramp segment’
Removed 1 sec startup delay introduced in v0.6.2
24.08.2014 v1.0.4:
Temporary disabled #44, #45 and #50.
Note: some other checks might not work as well.
Updated Polish translations
Increased number of custom checks (#130-139)
04.08.2014 v1.0.3:
Disabled #200, #201, #300, #301 ‘Unconfirmed turn’ for dead-ends
Disabled #77 ‘Dead-end U-turn’
Fixed tabs for small fonts
Other minor bugfixes
04.07.2014 v1.0.2:
Complete Hebrew translation thanks to gad_m
Minor UI changes for right-to-left languages
Changed keyboard shortcut to ‘Alt+V’
25.06.2014 v1.0.1:
Disabled for IL #52 ‘Too long street name’
Disabled for IL #41, #42 ‘Reverse connectivity’
Fixed for IL WME Beta
Separated Mexico from Spain
26.05.2014 v1.0.0:
Re-enabled #150 for AR and CL
Disabled for IL #115 ‘Non-drivable connected to drivable’
Temporarily disabled #74 ‘Multiple segments at r-about’
(the check will be updated in one of the next releases)
Updated #52 ‘Too long street name’: 30 letters by default
Updated #171 for PL: polish abbreviations
Fixed wiki links for checks #114/115
Fixed #36/37 ‘Unneeded node A/B’ for country names
Fixed leading spaces in custom RegExps
Fixed: unable to remove debug flag for custom checks
Added new custom template variables:
‘${deadEndA/B}’ and ‘${partialA/B}’
Google Analytics (I’ll share the statistics later)
Added license
27.04.2014 v0.9.9:
Fixed #190 for Cyrillic letters
Fixed false positive in #171 for FR: ‘Rue du Mal Assis’
Fixed #36 and #37 ‘Unneeded node’ for partial nodes
Improvements in Settings->About->Available checks
Temporarily disabled #79 ‘Too short U-turn connector’
15.04.2014 v0.9.8:
Fixed #24 filtering in ‘Reported as’ field
Fixed #173 ‘No space after abbreviation’ for ‘11.’
Fixed segment length for newly created segments
08.04.2014 v0.9.7:
Fixed #170 ‘Lowercase street name’
New for US #106 ‘No state name selected’
Disabled skips of locked segment
07.04.2014 v0.9.5:
Validator now skips locked segments, so the locks may
be used to hide issues for low-level users.
New faster ‘Show report’ method (Chrome only)
Layers param in permalinks in report
other changes, see the forum post
30.03.2014 v0.9.4:
Complete French translation of UI and checks.
Many thanks to arbaot and ClementH44!
New variables for custom checks:
${altCity[index or delimeter]}
${altStreet[index or delimeter]}
Fixed bug with highlighting at the screen edges
Added 5 new checks #150-#154 for lock levels
Removed: #65, #66, #67, #70, #71, #72, #76, #96, #97,
and #122
25.03.2014 v0.9.3:
Complete Spanish translation of UI and checks.
Languages: Español, Español América Latina and Galego
Many thanks to robindlc and fernandoanguita!
Removed: #9, #11, #12, #75, #106 (duplicate/unused)
Added params to: #52 ‘More than ${n} letters long street name’ #112 ‘More than ${n} letters long Ramp name’
Check parameters are listed now in
‘Settings->About->Available checks’
Disabled nulls in #116 ‘Out of range elevations’
22.03.2014 v0.9.2:
Updated #116 ‘Out of range elevation’ for nulls
New option ‘Report external highlights’
20.03.2014 v0.9.0:
New user-defined custom checks in Settings->Custom
New 5 custom checks #130 - #134 for localization
Validator now generates packages for dependent
Fixed non-editable filter option
Fixed localization packs for Firefox
Fixed ‘Non-drivable connected to drivable’ for very
long segments
Removed ‘Toolbox/WMECH: Report highlighted segments’
(now it is on by default)
Fixed lost TODO labels on upgrade package
Fixed ‘Highlight issues on the map’ menu item
Fixed #57 for other countries (was just enabled for PL)
other minor changes/fixes
14.03.2014 v0.8.3:
Updated #106 for PL ‘Unneeded name on one-way Ramp’
Renamed some checks to ‘Node A/B: …’
Fixed: auto-disable slow checks on zoom levels 0-3
09.03.2014 v0.8.2:
Auto-disable slow checks at zoom levels 0-3
Fixed severities for some checks (Unneeded node)
Updated #36 and #37 ‘Unneeded node A/B’ for U-turns
Updated ‘Unneeded node A/B’ for partial nodes
NEW for AR: ‘Street name matches the RegExp’ (calle)
you may use localization pack to set the RegExp for
your country
Disabled for AR #56 ‘Incorrect word in street name’
HOTFIX ‘Too many issues’ note in properties (v0.8.1)
08.03.2014 v0.8.0:
Support for localization packages
Package Wizard: Settings->About->Wizard
Auto-pause if there are more than 20K of segments
‘Too many issues’ note in segment’s properties
‘Validator is disabled’ note in segment’s properties
NEW for BeNeLux #122 ‘Incorrect Primary street lock’
Enabled for AR #56 ‘Incorrect word in street name’
word ‘calle’
Fixed #38 and #39 ‘Expired restrictions’
Updated #98 ‘Street name with spaces only’:
street name with just a dot
Enabled/disabled few checks for spanish countries
Updated spanish translations
28.02.2014 v0.7.4:
UPD ‘Too sharp turn at node A/B’:
revCon turns are excluded
UPD for US ‘Lowercase street name (with exceptions)’
now the check ignores [ENSW] at the beginning
Fixed ‘Zoom out to start WME Validator’ message
Fixed Spanish in Swedish language
UPD howto for ‘The segment is overlapping’
Disabled for AU ‘More than 55 letters Ramp name’
24.02.2014 v0.7.3:
NEW for All ‘BETA: Overlapping segments at node A/B’
NEW for All ‘BETA: Too sharp turn at node A/B’
check IDs moved to the end of the check title
24.02.2014 v0.7.2:
NEW for All: ‘Obsolete CONST ZN marker’
UPD ‘Closed road’: case insensitive
UPD ‘Non-drivable connected to drivable’: excluded
short dead-end segments and segments with HNs
DISABLED for US ‘More than 55 letters Ramp name’
DISABLED for IL ‘Less than 3 letters long’
Fixed ‘No connection at node A/B’ for false
‘Show report’
Improved ‘Show report’ performance
Fixed toggle on/off
Few new Spanish translations
Checks #36, #37, #46, #47, #78, #79, #102 and #103
are now marked as SLOW
Fixed few highlight issues (v0.7.1)
19.02.2014 v0.7.0:
complete Spanish translation thanks to robindlc and
WME language switcher now also switch language of
problem and howtos (but not links)
‘Updated by’ search option for country managers
NEW for ALL: ‘Out of range elevation’
NEW for ALL: ‘Non-drivable connected to drivable’
NEW for IT: ‘Ramp name starts with an A’ (untested)
NEW for ALL: ‘More than 55 letters Ramp’
UPD #51 for PL ‘Incorrectly abbreviated street name’
added: bł., kard., marsz., rtm.
UPD #101 ‘Closed road’: default marker is ‘(Closed)’
UPD #40 ‘Soft turns on drivable road’: check for
both nodes exist
UPD ‘Incorrect lock level’ checks for traffic locks
Version 1.0 released, please see the changelog above.
Important note for Firefox users: at the moment I’m unable to update the script at userscripts.org, so please use GreasyFork or my Google Drive instead.
There are new ${deadEndA/B} variables in 1.0.0, so please try smth like:
Template: A${deadEndA}:${UturnA}:B${deadEndB}:${UturnB}
RegExp: /A1:0|B1:0/
I’ve sent your request to french CM for an approval, so will be fixed once I get a response.
It appears that WME Validator 1.0.0 in auto scan mode is not picking up “Unconfirmed road (#23)” but it does in manual mode?
It may also be that I’m doing something wrong?
It appears that if the unconfirmed engagement has been changed to a “two way” and or upgraded to a “Primary Street” It doesn’t get detected? see screen shot
Unconfirmed segment for Validator is a segment with no country assigned. There is a limit 300 reported segments per check, so if there are more than 300 unconfirmed segments in the area, Validator will report just 300 of them.
But this is only my guess. Guys, please include permalinks in your reports/requests.
It’s zoom lvl 3. WME does not load some segment types at zoom levels 0-3, so you need to use scan in the Validator.
The segment 189055302 you mentioned in your first post is outside the area you posted the permalink to. I zoomed out to lvl 0, run the scan and got the segment 189055302 in my report. So it looks fine to me… :?
means that it matches any number with 3 to 5 digits, while the second part is an alternative saying that for 2 digits number, it should only match things that are at least 50. So basically, if you leave out the second part, you’ll only match numbers with 3 to 5 digits, effectively from 100 to 99999:
As a side-note, your first example matches anything below 17, not above, though I suppose this is intended as such. If that’s the case you can ignore this remark.