Updating Dunkin Donuts location?

Are there any plans to being able to move markers to their proper spot on a map?



I doubt it. I’m guessing it is up to the advertiser to provide correct locations.

Or is the locations another thing they get from bing?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Good question: does the advertiser mark the exact spot or do they just give an address and bing returns the location?

What is the recommended way to handle user created general errors regarding a “Dunkin Donuts in wrong place” report?

Just wondering if anybody has any updates on this. I noticed this morning, that the Dunkin Donuts location on the Waze Maps is incorrect… Wondering if we can update.

We got this response from Yonatan this morning…

Here is what I was told on how to handle these:

  1. mark solved - take no action
  2. mark Not ID’d - take no action
  3. Go over to Bing maps and submit the correct location on the map, then marked solved

The reason behind each:
1 - you’ve done everything possible (Within the waze system) to resolve this complaint
2 - If you mark it solved the user get’s an email and will expect to see their address corrected next map update. This way they won’t be expecting
3 - goes “above and beyond” but you’ll feel better.

If it’s a business I have first hand knowledge of, I’ll use option 3.

As to if/when to use option’s 1 or 2, that’s a judgement call I’ll leave to all the AM’s and higher.

Thanks for the help! I have gone over to Bing and submitted a “map correction feedback” submission.

I regularly post corrections to Bing. If I get an UR about wrong location I go search for it in Bing (assuming the UR actually gives me the address or name of the POI), almost without fail the error is obviously with bing so I submit a correction report. And I have seen a few get corrected, it’s not quick, but it does happen.

I found a very misplaced D&D this morning (the address listed is correct, the pin is just off by miles)… The error isn’t coming from Bing (or Google, or Yelp, or FourSquare, or YP)… Another had the hours listed incorrectly (Waze said they opened at 5am, but they weren’t even close to being open at 5:10am).

This leads me to believe that, as Yonatan said (see my post above), the info (the address, location & hours) came directly from Dunkin & are in a private advertising database and not from the traditional search providers.

It appears that Dunkin Dounuts and Waze have departed ways. :wink:
Maybe a few lines of code like: “Spend 2 or minutes at a sponsors location and get two points, correct a sponsors location and get two points.” could have added value to the advertiser. Advertiser could track the lead generations and update their own maps with the the correct locations.

The POI’s are back. The system must have hiccuped. Maybe a Jan 1, 2013 event…?

Use the announcement thread in the Map forum to find and fill out the form for reporting incorrect locations regardless of the advertiser.

In MI when I saw problems with the Taco Bells all over my area being incorrect i found out that that bing had them correct while google had them all wrong locations… Waze showed them exactly where google showed them.

Bing overlays and google gps plots… Go figure…

The advertiser (i.e. Taco Bell) provides the location information to Waze.

I’ve found that most UR’s complaining about the wrong location of something is because Bing (or Google (or whichever directory you select from that list along the bottom of the screen on Waze when searching for a destination)) does not translate that destination’s address to the correct lat/lon GPS location.

To resolve it, we need to relay the problem to Bing (or other directory if the UR specifies it) by reporting it to them, and then mark the UR as solved, since the issue is out of our hands.

Of course, if I can tell the complaint is invalid or otherwise bogus, I mark the UR as not identified.

To resolve it we are supposed to fill out the form Waze has provided and posted links to.

iOS and Tapatalk have conspired to screw up this post.

There’s a form for incorrect POIs? Is that Intl too? Linky? :slight_smile:
(news to me this)

Sent from my GT-I9100 using Tapatalk 2

These don’t have anything to do with a search. These are the locations of the paid advertising pins on the map. These have been set on the map and no changes to external providers data will fix them on here.

The only way to correct these is to fill out the form Alan referenced earlier in this thread.

If Bing or Google has a wrong location on the search, then please feel free to submit a correction directly to them, but this thread is specifically about the paid ads.

Via my iPhone 3GS.

They’re pinned on the Map sub-forum.

Incorrect advertisement placement report form (USA)

Incorrect advertisement placement report form (INTL)