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Can't type while vehicle moving????

Post by snarfblat
A recent update has made it so you can't type anything in Waze while the vehicle is moving. While I can appreciate the intent behind this change, it's f'ing idiotic. My PASSENGER was trying to type the update and she couldn't. It was at that point that I shut down Waze and haven't run it since.

I figured before I uninstalled it, I would post about it here to see if this is going to be changed anytime soon. I think Waze is pretty cool, but the stupidity of that new "feature" in an attempt to save people from themselves has me pretty irate.

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Post by snarfblat
If you go to type anything, it'll let you type one character and then it pops up and says, "keyboard disabled while driving."

I'm going to uninstall it and just be done with it. Thanks everybody.

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Post by snarfblat
Android, looks like

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