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Request Level Upgrade

Posted: Thu Aug 30, 2012 9:29 am
by petervdveen
An Area Manager is a Waze community member (a user) who wishes to take an active and proactive role in maintaining specific areas of the Waze map. How deeply involved and how much time an Area Manager spends maintaining the Waze map varies greatly. Duties of an Area Manager include, but not necessarily limited to:
  • Make changes to the map when road construction projects complete and road geometry needs to be changed, or roads added or removed from the map.
  • Edit road construction areas, especially for closures so that users are not routed into those areas.
  • Respond to and act on Update Requests from Waze drivers.
  • Maintain speed and red-light cameras, processing reports of devices from Waze drivers.
  • Act as a mentor to other editors, offering advice in both the forums and when you see improper edits on the map.
How to become an Area Manager

There can be more than one Area Manager in the same area. Areas can overlap, or be smaller or larger. And you can be the Area Manager for more than one area.

New area managers start with a small area. You'll get a mentor assigned as your contact person. He helps you to learn the editting basics and rules. And he's also check your progression on a regular base. As soon the mentor thinks you have enough experience, you can request a bigger or additional area.

You can get a higher level based on experience. So we're not using level based on amount of edits anymore.

Higher level editors will invite you to the next level as they think you're ready for that. At that moment you can also start coaching new Area Managers.

Editting levels are about to change in a short time, it will look something like this:

Champs (L6) > CM (L5) > L5 > L4 > L3> L2 > L1.

What means Champs will check CM's and lower. L5 checks L4 and lower. L4 checks L3 and lower.

In genereal the allowed area size depends on the following factors:
  • Current state of the area
  • Number of other AM's
  • Importancy of the area
  • Experience of the AM

Go to the form!

For questions, please mail us at