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A Small Grammatical Error In The Forums

Post by Aiman-Alsumidaie
Hi, I just want to point out that there's a little grammatical error in the forums that I've noticed so far. hah.

Check this out: Go to any random thread with a lot of posts by people or whatnot, and look at the right for each user. There's the: "Has thanked" & "Been thanked" sections. Do you see 'em? Now keep looking down at different users, there's different numbers and such for people. Yet you will see that it should use the singular version of the word "Time" for the number "1" only. For the number "0", it should say the plural version "Times" (with the "s")

So here's how it should be:
0 times
1 time
2 times
3 times
... times

Notice that "1" is the only one that should have the singular word "Time". All the other numbers should say "Times" including Zero.

I think the same rule applies if any of those numbers were negative. HAH.

Wasn't this the best thing that you've read so far?
Posts: 12



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