Post by foxitrot
Waze Runner

(Vďaka za tip, Pišta.)

[edit] Neodpustím si pár citátov:

Coming sooner than other movies (but not as soon as it promises).

I mean, it's better than Google Maps. But still, add 10 minutes.

Experience more features than you'll ever need.

Don't question the Waze, Tom. See that guy... What happened to him? Map Quest.

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...with the good old crashing :roll: Symbian (on N-E52), while
trying to get used to the good new asocial Android 4.xx.0.yyy (on OP-X March-me-Low).

Post by foxitrot
Tip od Guriho: O2 Shop + O2 Guru:

Sent from a touch display, which took care of perfectly scrambling my thoughts.
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...with the good old crashing :roll: Symbian (on N-E52), while
trying to get used to the good new asocial Android 4.xx.0.yyy (on OP-X March-me-Low).

Post by foxitrot
Majú tam na konci nejakú zmätočnú informáciu: wrote:Google koupil aplikaci v loňském roce za 966 milionů dolarů...
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...with the good old crashing :roll: Symbian (on N-E52), while
trying to get used to the good new asocial Android 4.xx.0.yyy (on OP-X March-me-Low).

Post by foxitrot
Pekne si tam veru diskutoval :)

Sent from a touch display, which took care of perfectly scrambling my thoughts.
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...with the good old crashing :roll: Symbian (on N-E52), while
trying to get used to the good new asocial Android 4.xx.0.yyy (on OP-X March-me-Low).

Post by foxitrot
Na diaľnici R1 [...] sa [...] zrazilo 25 áut. Informovala o tom hovorkyňa polície Božena Bruchterová.

"Momentálne sa odstraňujú následky nehody. Situácia na ceste je však mimoriadne zlá. Silný vietor nafúkava sneh na vozovku, kvôli čomu je v tomto úseku minimálna viditeľnosť," vysvetlil Pánsky.

Podľa Bruchterovej je pravdepodobnou príčinou hromadnej zrážky áut nepriaznivé počasie.
Fascinujúci úsudok! Taký som vždy obdivoval!

Sent from a touch display, which took care of perfectly scrambling my thoughts.
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...with the good old crashing :roll: Symbian (on N-E52), while
trying to get used to the good new asocial Android 4.xx.0.yyy (on OP-X March-me-Low).

Post by foxitrot
GinBook wrote:A ještě malé videjko. ... zpravy_sha
Dobrý článok. Akurát to videjko:
"Před vámi je hlášena hlídka. Před vámi je hlášena hlídka. Před vámi je..."
"Při našem testování volil Waze stejné trasy jako Google Mapy (což je celkem pochopitelné, když jde nyní o jednu firmu)..."
Zaujímavé konštatovanie, to bol asi nejaký insider ;)
"V Izraeli začali nabízet aplikaci Waze v roce 2009. O dva roky později už zde měli 1,5 milionu uživatelů, tedy pětinu všech izraelských řidičů."
Teraz chápem, prečo Tel Avivské špičky končia pod 5.5 mil. Tým pádom je jasné, že vlaňajších 14 a 18 a 25 mil. (jasné, boli to iné metriky, ale aj tak) sa serverom asi len snívalo :)

Sent from a touch display, which took care of perfectly scrambling my thoughts.
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...with the good old crashing :roll: Symbian (on N-E52), while
trying to get used to the good new asocial Android 4.xx.0.yyy (on OP-X March-me-Low).

Post by foxitrot
Potom občas podle ní také jezdíme. ;-)

Jednoducho ale pútavo napísané, vzbudí v čitateľovi záujem.

Sent from a touch display, which took care of perfectly scrambling my thoughts.
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...with the good old crashing :roll: Symbian (on N-E52), while
trying to get used to the good new asocial Android 4.xx.0.yyy (on OP-X March-me-Low).

Post by foxitrot
Klasika, Petk0 v prvej rade :-)
Za mňa tam trčí len hlava, na Waze tričko mi tam bolo príliš chladno, ostalo pod košeľou.

Sent from a touch display, which took care of perfectly scrambling my thoughts.
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...with the good old crashing :roll: Symbian (on N-E52), while
trying to get used to the good new asocial Android 4.xx.0.yyy (on OP-X March-me-Low).

Post by foxitrot
Hlavne že Waze médiám vraví, že oni vôbec nechcú vlastný ekvivalent Uber. Okrem toho Izrael sa snaží Uber blokovať, takže doma by určite mali problémy.

Sent from a touch display, which took care of perfectly scrambling my thoughts.
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...with the good old crashing :roll: Symbian (on N-E52), while
trying to get used to the good new asocial Android 4.xx.0.yyy (on OP-X March-me-Low).

Post by foxitrot
Jeden z najzaujímavejších postrehov z diskusií: vraj išlo najmä o radary a kamery, pritom tie sa v tej dobe vôbec nedali importovať, len zadať za jazdy z aplikácie. V podstate sa v tých dobách importované len segmenty ciest a moria a rieky.

Uvidíme, ako sa to vyvŕbi.

Sent from a touch display, which took care of perfectly scrambling my thoughts.
Waze Global Champs
Waze Global Champs
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...with the good old crashing :roll: Symbian (on N-E52), while
trying to get used to the good new asocial Android 4.xx.0.yyy (on OP-X March-me-Low).