Post by foxitrot
Takúto súvislosť nie, ale inak áno, posledné týždne sporadicky chýbajú niektoré trasy a niektoré z nich pribudnú neskôr.
Waze Global Champs
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...with the good old crashing :roll: Symbian (on N-E52), while
trying to get used to the good new asocial Android 4.xx.0.yyy (on OP-X March-me-Low).

Post by foxitrot
Asi nebolo. Ja som tiez mal jeden cukrik pred nejakym tyzdnom a pol, uprostred tohto vypadku. Mozno obcasny zachev systemu?
Waze Global Champs
Waze Global Champs
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...with the good old crashing :roll: Symbian (on N-E52), while
trying to get used to the good new asocial Android 4.xx.0.yyy (on OP-X March-me-Low).

Post by foxitrot
System sa naozaj prebudza - zo zimneho spanku? Vcera 19.4., dnes 20.4. a cukrik (ktory samozrejme nevidim :( len taku bodku).
Waze Global Champs
Waze Global Champs
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...with the good old crashing :roll: Symbian (on N-E52), while
trying to get used to the good new asocial Android 4.xx.0.yyy (on OP-X March-me-Low).

Post by foxitrot
aktakgreen wrote:Ahojte, mate sim dohrane trasy z obdobia medzi 28.04-01.05? Na mna sa vykaslal dotiahol az nasledne z 02.05- resp. 04.05. Je mozne chybajuce trasy reklamovat?
Bud bez obav, mozes reklamovat co len chces a ako casto chces :mrgreen:

Teraz k veci - odkedy jazdene trasy nepribudaju s hodinovym oneskorenim, neustale sa stava, ze niektore pribudaju 'mimo poradia'. Niekedy na to aj upozornuju, napr. v Statuse:
in [i]New Waze Map Editor version - (both servers)[/i] on 9.4.2012, Shirli wrote:The new version contains a lot of bug fixes and improvements:
2. Fix order of drives in archive.
(comu sa dalo verit asi tak ako inym fixom, ale trebars), hned o par dni neskor:
in [i]Mapdate April 15th[/i] on 15.4.2012, Shirli wrote:It is possible that a few sessions are still missing but don't worry, they will be uploaded soon as well.
Takze: dufaj a cakaj ;)
Waze Global Champs
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...with the good old crashing :roll: Symbian (on N-E52), while
trying to get used to the good new asocial Android 4.xx.0.yyy (on OP-X March-me-Low).

Post by foxitrot
No super! Takze na 100% plati moj komentar k "The new version contains a lot of bug fixes and improvements: 2. Fix order of drives in archive." :cry: a to "ale trebars" mozem skrtnut.
Waze Global Champs
Waze Global Champs
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...with the good old crashing :roll: Symbian (on N-E52), while
trying to get used to the good new asocial Android 4.xx.0.yyy (on OP-X March-me-Low).

Post by foxitrot
aktakgreen wrote:
foxitrot wrote:No super! Takze na 100% plati moj komentar k "The new version contains a lot of bug fixes and improvements: 2. Fix order of drives in archive." :cry: a to "ale trebars" mozem skrtnut.
...a na ostatne dni mozem zabudnut. Sakua.
Nienienie! Vetu "Takze: dufaj a cakaj ;)" som predsa neskrtol 8-)
Waze Global Champs
Waze Global Champs
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...with the good old crashing :roll: Symbian (on N-E52), while
trying to get used to the good new asocial Android 4.xx.0.yyy (on OP-X March-me-Low).

Post by foxitrot
Support si protireci: "Mame dobru spravu, uz sme spracovali vsetky nespracovane cesty, mali by ste vidiet vsetky vase jazdy prichadzajuce normalne do vasho archivu...", ale "...s niekolkymi vynimkami ... este ostava nespracovanych niekolko starsich ciest, ale postupne ich kopirujeme do archivov".

Takze stale mas sancu, hoci su to nove cesty. Ale ja by som ich udaje nebral az tak vazne, hlavne odhady terminov a mnozstiev. Kedze "next" znamena "niekedy v buducnosti", tak "vsetky" mozno bude znamenat "vacsinu" ;)
Waze Global Champs
Waze Global Champs
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...with the good old crashing :roll: Symbian (on N-E52), while
trying to get used to the good new asocial Android 4.xx.0.yyy (on OP-X March-me-Low).

Post by foxitrot
LiborA wrote:Kde udělali chybu soudruzi z východního Německa (tedy pardon, z Izraele :D) netuším.
:lol: vo vyvoji plastovych valcov.
Asi sa im (ci tebe?) od toho tepla pokrcil valec, tak tie trasy pri vstupnej kontrole zrusili ako hrbolate :P
Waze Global Champs
Waze Global Champs
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...with the good old crashing :roll: Symbian (on N-E52), while
trying to get used to the good new asocial Android 4.xx.0.yyy (on OP-X March-me-Low).

Post by foxitrot
Ako to uz byva dobrym zvykom, dve jazdy, ktore mi WME uz tyzden zobrazoval ako 8.7., sa zmenili na Today, predosle mi koncia na 5.7. Pribudla jedna trasa z 4.7., spravne zatriedena podla casu - vsimol som si ju len vdaka Dashboardu.

Dashboard a Caryouche ako obvykle ukazuju aj ine trasy, na dovazok mi v nich uplne na zaciatku (mimo poradia, co v minulosti nezvyklo byvat), pred spominanymi dvomi z 8.7. a dalsimi dvomi nulovymi z 8.7. a 7.7., pribudla jedna chybajuca z 4.7.

Fajn, snad uz pribudnu vsetky chybajuce. Aj nove URka, tie chybaju najviac.
Waze Global Champs
Waze Global Champs
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...with the good old crashing :roll: Symbian (on N-E52), while
trying to get used to the good new asocial Android 4.xx.0.yyy (on OP-X March-me-Low).

Post by foxitrot
Posledne tyzdne pribudaju trasy velmi sporadicky. Pise sa o tom na fore, Support blog (radsej?) mlci - mozno boli pretazeni zmenou infrastruktury - NA server uz dva mesiace nemal nove mapy a body tiez mnoho tyzdnov.
Waze Global Champs
Waze Global Champs
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...with the good old crashing :roll: Symbian (on N-E52), while
trying to get used to the good new asocial Android 4.xx.0.yyy (on OP-X March-me-Low).