Post by foxitrot
on 4th Jun 2013 10:56, Unholy wrote:Koniec vypadku NYN - "wazerov v okoli" a wazerov, (ne)zobrazenych na mape

Ako si uz mnohi z Vas stihli vsimnut, v priebehu poslednych tyzdnov nastalo vyrazne znizenie poctu wazerov, ktorych vidite na mape a pocty "Near you now" wazerov sa tiez znizili.

Chvilu nam trvalo, kym sme plne pochopili pricinu tohto problemu, ale podarilo sa nam ho najst a odstranit. Opravy sme nahrali na World aj US servery a uz by ste mali vidiet narast poctu wazerov vo Vasom okoli a na mape klienta.

Tesime sa na Vasu odozvu ohladom tohto problemu.

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...with the good old crashing :roll: Symbian (on N-E52), while
trying to get used to the good new asocial Android 4.xx.0.yyy (on OP-X March-me-Low).

Post by foxitrot
on 4th Jun 2013 14:59, Waze GPS wrote:INTL Server – oneskorenie aktualizacie map

Aktualizacia INTL mapovych dlazdic je oneskorena o niekolko dni. Pracujeme na co najskorsej obnove dennych aktualizacii.

Ospravedlnujeme sa za pripadne sposobene neprijemnosti.

Infrastructure Team
Dennych aktualizacii ... uz sme ich (posledny rok a pol) mali niekedy denne? :D
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...with the good old crashing :roll: Symbian (on N-E52), while
trying to get used to the good new asocial Android 4.xx.0.yyy (on OP-X March-me-Low).

Post by foxitrot
Tak sa im to nakoniec aj podarilo:
on 5th Jun 2013 8:16, Waze GPS wrote:INTL mapy boli uspesne aktualizovane k 2. junu 2013 09:41 UTC

Mapove dlazdice na INTL servri boli uspesne aktualizovane k 2. junu 2013 09:41 UTC
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...with the good old crashing :roll: Symbian (on N-E52), while
trying to get used to the good new asocial Android 4.xx.0.yyy (on OP-X March-me-Low).

Post by foxitrot
on 4th Jun 2013 15:47, shirlig wrote:N.A Livemap dlazdice su znovu aktualne!

S radostou vam oznamujem, ze sa nam konecne podarilo spustuit novu verziu livemap (zatial na NA servri).

Nova livemap pracuje s uplne novou infrastrukturou, ktora sa pravidelne aktualizuje a je uplne synchronna s klientovymi dlazdicami.

Uzivajte si to!
[pozn] Sirli slubila, ze WORLD livemapa bude ficat na tej istej infrastrukture, odhadujem ze to bude do polky az konca leta. (Zial, ako viete, casove udaje vo Waze mierach sa dost tazko konvertuju do sustavy SI, dokonca ani na imperialne to moc nejde :roll: (nie ze by som poznal nejaky imperialny cas, mozno este tak presypacie hodiny?))
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...with the good old crashing :roll: Symbian (on N-E52), while
trying to get used to the good new asocial Android 4.xx.0.yyy (on OP-X March-me-Low).

Post by foxitrot
Tak sa im to mozno uz konecne podarilo?
on 25th Jun 2013 8:59, Waze GPS wrote:INTL mapy boli uspesne aktualizovane k 10. junu 2013 17:43 UTC

Mapove dlazdice na INTL servri boli uspesne aktualizovane k 10. junu 2013 17:43 UTC
Infrastructure Team
Som zvedavy, ci onedlho pride aj slubena nova LiveMapa.
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...with the good old crashing :roll: Symbian (on N-E52), while
trying to get used to the good new asocial Android 4.xx.0.yyy (on OP-X March-me-Low).

Post by foxitrot
tex232 wrote: Jednoho dne přijde ten den ...
on 29th Jun 2013 9:12, Waze GPS wrote:INTL mapy boli uspesne aktualizovane k 27. junu 2013 09:16 UTC

Mapove dlazdice na INTL servri boli uspesne aktualizovane k 27. junu 2013 09:16 UTC
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Waze Global Champs
Waze Global Champs
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...with the good old crashing :roll: Symbian (on N-E52), while
trying to get used to the good new asocial Android 4.xx.0.yyy (on OP-X March-me-Low).

Post by foxitrot
Dalsia doba temna pominula, svita nam na lepsie casy?
on 1st Jul 2013 9:12, Waze GPS wrote:INTL mapy boli uspesne aktualizovane k 29. junu 2013 09:33 UTC
Mapove dlazdice na INTL servri boli uspesne aktualizovane k 29. junu 2013 09:33 UTC
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Waze Global Champs
Waze Global Champs
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...with the good old crashing :roll: Symbian (on N-E52), while
trying to get used to the good new asocial Android 4.xx.0.yyy (on OP-X March-me-Low).

Post by foxitrot
tex232 wrote:S Googlem za lepšími zítřky a nikdy jinak!!!
U nás to bolo "... na večné časy a nikdy viac!"
Uvidíme, kto tú krajšiu budúcnosť vydrží dlhšie.
Waze Global Champs
Waze Global Champs
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...with the good old crashing :roll: Symbian (on N-E52), while
trying to get used to the good new asocial Android 4.xx.0.yyy (on OP-X March-me-Low).

Post by foxitrot
Zda sa, ze aktualizacie uz pravidelne prichadzaju kazdy den. Tak to nezakriknime a drzme im palce.
Waze Global Champs
Waze Global Champs
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...with the good old crashing :roll: Symbian (on N-E52), while
trying to get used to the good new asocial Android 4.xx.0.yyy (on OP-X March-me-Low).

Post by foxitrot
on 18th Jul 2013 16:27, Waze GPS wrote:INTL editor – ocakavany vypadok v nedelu 21. jula
Po pracach na infrastrukture bude editor fungovat len v read-only rezime (bude sa dat len prezerat, ziadne upravy) pocas niekolkych hodin, od nedele rana 05:30 UTC.

Prepacte docasne obmedzenia.
Infrastructure Team
Waze Global Champs
Waze Global Champs
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...with the good old crashing :roll: Symbian (on N-E52), while
trying to get used to the good new asocial Android 4.xx.0.yyy (on OP-X March-me-Low).