Post by foxitrot
on 18th Oct 2012 10:30, Waze GPS wrote: Body

  • Stale mame oneskorenie s INTL bodmi a momentalne su stale aktualne k 14. oktobru. Snazime sa ako vieme, aby sme problem co najrychlejsie vyriesili.
  • Body na NA servri dnes neboli aktualizovane. Momentalne su aktualne ku vcerajsku (17. oktober).
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...with the good old crashing :roll: Symbian (on N-E52), while
trying to get used to the good new asocial Android 4.xx.0.yyy (on OP-X March-me-Low).

Post by foxitrot
on 18th Oct 2012 11:07, Waze GPS wrote: Mapove dlazdice na NA serveri boli aktualizovane

Mapa je aktualna k 15. oktobru 2012.
Infrastructure team
(Vyhlasujem jednostranne moratorium na informacie o aktualizovani NA map. Momentalne sa im to celkom bez problemov dari kazde 2-4 dni, myslim ze o tom uz netreba 'denne' referovat.)
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...with the good old crashing :roll: Symbian (on N-E52), while
trying to get used to the good new asocial Android 4.xx.0.yyy (on OP-X March-me-Low).

Post by foxitrot
on 21st Oct 2012 10:54, Waze GPS wrote: Aktualizacia bodov


Body na INTL serveri su momentalne aktualizovane k dnesnemu ranu GMT.
US (=NA) body su aktualne k piatku 19. oktobra. Dufame ze ich budeme mat aktualne k zajtrajsku.

Vsimnite si prosim, ze je stale oneskorene spracovanie jazdenych tras. Body za nespracovane jazdene trasy zatial neboli zahrnute vo Vasom sucte bodov.

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Waze Global Champs
Waze Global Champs
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...with the good old crashing :roll: Symbian (on N-E52), while
trying to get used to the good new asocial Android 4.xx.0.yyy (on OP-X March-me-Low).

Post by foxitrot
on 22nd Oct 2012 15:07, Waze GPS wrote: INTL editor nefunguje spravne

Borime sa s nejakymi technickymi problemami s INTL editorom map a preto dnes nefunguje spravne.
Pracujeme na oprave problemu a snazime sa tieto nedostatky vyriesit o najskor.

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Waze Global Champs
Waze Global Champs
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...with the good old crashing :roll: Symbian (on N-E52), while
trying to get used to the good new asocial Android 4.xx.0.yyy (on OP-X March-me-Low).

Post by foxitrot
on 23rd Oct 2012 13:31, Waze GPS wrote: INTL server: plan nasledujucej aktualizacie mapy

Import Japonsky map stupil do zaverecnej fazy a mal by byt hotovy za najblizsie 2 dni.
Mapy budu aktualizovane pre vsetky zmeny, vykonane do 16.10.2012.

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Waze Global Champs
Waze Global Champs
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...with the good old crashing :roll: Symbian (on N-E52), while
trying to get used to the good new asocial Android 4.xx.0.yyy (on OP-X March-me-Low).

Post by foxitrot
on 25th Oct 2012 11:45, Waze GPS wrote: INTL server: Oneskorenie aktualizacie dlazdic

Dlazdice novej mapy su pripravene a prave robime testy kvality dat.
Planujeme ich upgrade spravit dnes v noci.

Infrastructure team
Takze predsa len budeme mat zajtra novu mapu (a nie az o tyzden)?
Waze Global Champs
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...with the good old crashing :roll: Symbian (on N-E52), while
trying to get used to the good new asocial Android 4.xx.0.yyy (on OP-X March-me-Low).

Post by foxitrot
on 28th Oct 2012 10:41, Yonatan wrote: ROTW: Problemy s diakritikou po aktualizacii mapy

Spravili sme vyznamnu zmenu v systeme pisiem na INTL servri kvoli implementacii Japonskych znakov v editore.
Toto je pricina problemov a uz som informoval nas tym, ktory to ma na starosti.
Dam vam vediet, ked to bude opravene.
Waze Global Champs
Waze Global Champs
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...with the good old crashing :roll: Symbian (on N-E52), while
trying to get used to the good new asocial Android 4.xx.0.yyy (on OP-X March-me-Low).

Post by foxitrot
on 28th Oct 2012 13:56, Waze GPS wrote: Oneskorenie spracovania bodov na INTL serveri

Body na INTL serveri su aktualne k piatku 26.10. Normalne synchronizovane budu od zajtra rana (GMT).
Nejak som si cez vikend nevsimol, ze by neboli denne aktualizovane...
Waze Global Champs
Waze Global Champs
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...with the good old crashing :roll: Symbian (on N-E52), while
trying to get used to the good new asocial Android 4.xx.0.yyy (on OP-X March-me-Low).

Post by foxitrot
Namontovali nam novu infrastrukturu:
on 8th Nov 2012 15:14, Waze GPS wrote: INTL Server: Nova infrastruktura mapovych dlazdic je nasadena

Nova infrastruktura je hotova. Je to rovnaka zmena, aku sme prednedavnom spravili na NA servri, ktora nam umozni poskytnut omnoho castejsie aktualizacie mapovych dlazdic a lepsi routovaci vykon.

Planujeme zacat dalsiu tvorbu dlazdic v najblizsiu nedelu 11. novembra 2012. Bude trvat niekolko dni, kym dokladne otestujeme novovytvorene dlazdice, ale dufame, ze budu uvolnene koncom dalsieho tyzdna.

Poznamka: editor stale pouziva predoslu infrastrukturu a planujeme to zmenit az po niekolkych ukoncenych cykloch na novej infrastrukture.

Infrastructure Team
Bude to naozaj znamenat max. tyzden stare mapy? :?
Waze Global Champs
Waze Global Champs
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...with the good old crashing :roll: Symbian (on N-E52), while
trying to get used to the good new asocial Android 4.xx.0.yyy (on OP-X March-me-Low).

Post by foxitrot
on 12th Nov 2012 14:59, Waze GPS wrote: Vrstva GPS bodov vo WME je docasne vypnuta

Pracujeme na oprave a vrstva by znovu mala byt funkcna za 24-48 hodin.
Waze Global Champs
Waze Global Champs
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...with the good old crashing :roll: Symbian (on N-E52), while
trying to get used to the good new asocial Android 4.xx.0.yyy (on OP-X March-me-Low).