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Show the author of the problem report in the editor

Posted: Sat May 11, 2013 10:01 pm
by Culigan

When you are a map editor and drive into a new area, you can make yourselves some road reports for yourself, like a post-it. The problem is some other editors can catch your report and don't understand what you make then close the report.

The common editors know themselves, thanks to the forum. Maybe showing the reporter name in the editor report could make us see it's an other editor then choose to not close the report ?

Thanks for listening, and sorry if my explanation is not good, i'm french speaker.

Re: Show the author of the problem report in the editor

Posted: Sun May 12, 2013 2:39 am
by AlanOfTheBerg
This is still a privacy issue and the only way to address it at this time is if the submitter puts something email addy or wazername in the text.

The forthcoming comm system in the editor will allow contact without releasing username info.

Re: Show the author of the problem report in the editor

Posted: Sun May 12, 2013 10:01 pm
by AlanOfTheBerg
Just make yourself a shortcut. Built in to iOS or other apps for android. Substitute a two letter "code" to expand to one or several sentences.

Re: Show the author of the problem report in the editor

Posted: Sat May 11, 2013 11:36 pm
by CTGreybeard
Your explanation is fine. And in the same way I'd like a way to "grab" a UR or MP while I am researching it. I had one today disappear as I was looking at it as someone else, apparently, cleared it. We should have a way of preventing simultaneous edits for MP and URs.

Re: Show the author of the problem report in the editor

Posted: Sun May 12, 2013 2:43 pm
by Culigan
thanks for the answers

it's difficult to write such things when you are driving, and my experience is something like 10 post it in 3 or 4 kilometers. I don't think i can open for later the problem reports on so many post it.

Another solution is something i readed somewhere in the forum : create a specific button in the mobile app making the report a specific one, kind of : "editor report, please do not close"

Re: Show the author of the problem report in the editor

Posted: Sun May 12, 2013 1:57 am
by jemay
Some of use have an app that will pre-fill some text if we just type like three letters into the phone (like an auto correct) so when I type "wzp" it gets converted to "DO NOT close, please contact JEMay, some type of problem here"

Sent from my DROID4 using Tapatalk 2

Re: Show the author of the problem report in the editor

Posted: Sun May 12, 2013 2:34 am
by pydagenais
could it simply stay marked as done or not indentify on the map for the next 24h to see who did the correction for the report

that way we could get to see the report even if some one solved it and we could discuss on more edits in the area of the marks

that way we dont need the owner of the report , but we could work together to solve them and see what have been done to solve or stay as it is "turn restriction 7am-9am"
