Post by williamcz
MilanDka wrote:Jen poznámka k překladu. Neměl by být místo: "Přednastavený" jen prostý text: "Den" ? Chvilku mě to mátlo, když jsem si se skiny začal hrát.
Zdravím... Překládal jsem ze slova ,,default" až tam přibudou další skiny tak by i ten ,,den" byl zavádějící + ti co mají malé displeje už nyní mohou mít problémy s rozsáhlým textem. Osobně bych to nechal zatím takto.

edit.: ukecali ste mě, stejně jsem s autorem v kontaktu často a kdo ví kdy doplní v aplikaci skiny... napíšu mu a v další verzi to už bude jako den a nebo noc...
Posts: 94
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Lenovo A7000 Waze (Beta testing - android)
:idea: Skiny Toggelis Waze EditorTWE 1.8.0 testing - android)

Post by williamcz
Jak dojede domů, opraví překlad a vydá novou verzi.
Posts: 94
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Lenovo A7000 Waze (Beta testing - android)
:idea: Skiny Toggelis Waze EditorTWE 1.8.0 testing - android)

Post by williamcz
tmx643 wrote:
jirys wrote:Pánové hoďte sem také nějaké ukázky vaší práce s možnosti stažení ... :D

Nějak se mi nedaří vždy to vypada hrozně
Já mám toto, pokud by byl zájem. ... chema?dl=0
screenshot_2016-03-20-13-17-39.png ... chema?dl=0
Hezký, dívám se, že máš podobný skin jako já, jen sis vybral tmavší barvy pro noc, ale podobně těm denním...
Posts: 94
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Lenovo A7000 Waze (Beta testing - android)
:idea: Skiny Toggelis Waze EditorTWE 1.8.0 testing - android)

Post by williamcz
Kebb01 wrote:Kdysi jsem si se schématy hrál více, teď už dělám jenom dvě úpravy:

1) zúžím trasu na 3 (ta defaultní je se šířkou 6 pekelná)
2) zúžím koleje na 1 a přebarvím na černo (den) / vínovou (noc)

a pak už jenom podle nálady :)

3) polňačky hnědé a užší
4) různě zvýrazňuji soukromé, aby mě to hned praštilo přes oči, kdybych tam náhodou chtěl vjet :D
Mám to podobně, hlavně držím stejné (podobné) barvy u silnic jak v nočním tak v děním skinu. A ta šířka navigace byla fakt hrozná, mě štvalo, že to překrývalo i ty šipky znázorňující rychlost dopravy.
Posts: 94
Has thanked: 16 times
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Lenovo A7000 Waze (Beta testing - android)
:idea: Skiny Toggelis Waze EditorTWE 1.8.0 testing - android)

Post by williamcz
kirisek95 wrote:Myslíš tajdlety šipky?
Jinak tohle jsou moje schémátka...

Code: Select all

###                    ###
###      Kirisek95     ###
###      17/3/2016     ###
###         DAY        ###
###                    ###

Labels.Color: #3b3838
Labels.BgColor: #ffffff

Map.Background: #ebe7dd
Map.Missing: #B2B2B2
Map.Depth: 0

Console.Background: #3b3838
Console.Foreground: #000000

OneWay.Color: #55555555
OneWay.Stroke: #000000

Points.Color: #B2BFDC
Points.Stroke: #FF00002F

Selection.Color: #1DD0FF
Selection.Stroke: #20EADC

Thickness.Ref Zoom: 15
Thickness.Max Zoom: 1000

Freeways.Stroke: #d1d1cb
Freeways.Class: Road
Freeways.Fill: #ffffff
Freeways.Declutter: 2147483647
Freeways.Thickness: 10
Freeways.Thinnest: 10
Freeways.Delta1: -2
Freeways.Shadow: #272A22

Primary.Stroke: #d1d1cb
Primary.Class: Road
Primary.Fill: #ffffff
Primary.Declutter: 2147483647
Primary.Thickness: 10
Primary.Thinnest: 10
Primary.Delta1: -2
Primary.Shadow: #272A23

Secondary.Stroke: #d1d1cb
Secondary.Class: Road
Secondary.Fill: #ffffff
Secondary.Declutter: 2147483647
Secondary.Thickness: 10
Secondary.Thinnest: 10
Secondary.Delta1: -2
Secondary.Shadow: #272A24

Highways.Stroke: #d1d1cb
Highways.Class: Road
Highways.Fill: #ffffff
Highways.Declutter: 2147483647
Highways.Thickness: 10
Highways.Thinnest: 10
Highways.Delta1: -2
Highways.Shadow: #272A25

Streets.Stroke: #d1d1cb
Streets.Class: Road
Streets.Fill: #ffffff
Streets.Declutter: 2147483647
Streets.Thickness: 7
Streets.Thinnest: 7
Streets.Delta1: -2
Streets.Shadow: #272A26

Ramps.Stroke: #d1d1cb
Ramps.Class: Road
Ramps.Fill: #ffffff
Ramps.Declutter: 160
Ramps.Thickness: 7
Ramps.Thinnest: 7
Ramps.Delta1: -2
Ramps.Shadow: #272A27

Exit.Stroke: #d1d1cb
Exit.Class: Road
Exit.Fill: #ffffff
Exit.Declutter: 350
Exit.Thickness: 7
Exit.Thinnest: 7
Exit.Delta1: -2
Exit.Shadow: #272A28

4X4 Trails.Stroke: #7D582F
4X4 Trails.Class: Road
4X4 Trails.Fill: #7D582F
4X4 Trails.Declutter: 160
4X4 Trails.Thickness: 1
4X4 Trails.Thinnest: 3,5
4X4 Trails.Delta1: 0
4X4 Trails.Shadow: #272A29

Railroads.Stroke: #F0EFFAC8
Railroads.Class: Feature
Railroads.Fill: #FF0000FF
Railroads.Declutter: 2560
Railroads.Thickness: 1
Railroads.Thinnest: 1,7
Railroads.Delta1: -1
Railroads.Shadow: #272A30
Railroads.LabelDeclutter: 1

Runways.Stroke: #CECEBAB4
Runways.Max Zoom: Feature
Runways.Class: Feature
Runways.Fill: #1A1A1A
Runways.Declutter: 1500
Runways.Thickness: 2
Runways.Thinnest: 2
Runways.Delta1: -2,3
Runways.LabelDeclutter: 1
Runways.Delta2: 1
Runways.LabelColor: 1

Ferry.Stroke: #FFFFFFC0
Ferry.Class: Road
Ferry.Fill: #AAE7E5
Ferry.Declutter: 160
Ferry.Thickness: 4
Ferry.Thinnest: 4
Ferry.Delta1: -2,2
Ferry.Shadow: #272A32

Private.Stroke: #6E5E10
Private.Class: Road
Private.Fill: #B5B35B
Private.Declutter: 4000
Private.Thickness: 5
Private.Thinnest: 2,8
Private.Delta1: -2

Parking.Stroke: #3D3D3D
Parking.Class: Road
Parking.Fill: #A1A1A1
Parking.Declutter: 4000
Parking.Thickness: 4,5
Parking.Thinnest: 2,4
Parking.Delta1: -1,6
Parking.Shadow: #272A34

Pedestrian.Stroke: #E0E0E0
Pedestrian.Class: Road
Pedestrian.Fill: #3B3B3BDF
Pedestrian.Declutter: 160
Pedestrian.Thickness: 1
Pedestrian.Thinnest: 2
Pedestrian.Delta1: 0
Pedestrian.Shadow: #272A35

Trails.Stroke: #E0E0E0
Trails.Class: Road
Trails.Fill: #3B3B3BDF
Trails.Declutter: 160
Trails.Thickness: 1
Trails.Thinnest: 2
Trails.Delta1: 0
Trails.Shadow: #272A36

Walkway.Stroke: #E0E0E0
Walkway.Class: Road
Walkway.Fill: #3B3B3BDF
Walkway.Declutter: 160
Walkway.Thickness: 1
Walkway.Thinnest: 2
Walkway.Delta1: 0
Walkway.Shadow: #272A37

Stations.Stroke: #c7c1b3
Stations.Class: Area
Stations.Declutter: 200
Stations.Thickness: 1
Stations.Delta1: 0
Stations.LabelColor: #6B6767

Cities.Stroke: #ff000000
Cities.Class: Area
Cities.Fill: #B5B5B500
Cities.Declutter: 2147483647
Cities.Thickness: 1
Cities.Delta1: 1
Cities.LabelColor: #6B6767

Airports.Stroke: #ebe7dd
Airports.Class: Area
Airports.Declutter: 2147483647
Airports.Thickness: 1
Airports.Delta1: 0
Airports.LabelColor: #6B6767

Hospitals.Stroke: #c7c1b3
Hospitals.Class: Area
Hospitals.Declutter: 200
Hospitals.Thickness: 1
Hospitals.Delta1: 0
Hospitals.LabelColor: #6B6767

Malls.Stroke: #ff000000
Malls.Class: Area
Malls.Fill: #ff000000
Malls.Declutter: 2147483647
Malls.Thickness: 1
Malls.Delta1: 0
Malls.LabelColor: #6B6767

Parks.Stroke: #b2cf97
Parks.Class: Area
Parks.Declutter: 200
Parks.Thickness: 1
Parks.Delta1: 0
Parks.LabelColor: #46751a

Rivers.Stroke: #83add4
Rivers.Class: Feature
Rivers.Declutter: 300
Rivers.Thickness: 3
Rivers.Delta1: 0

Lakes.Stroke: #83add4
Lakes.Class: Area
Lakes.Declutter: 1300
Lakes.Thickness: 1
Lakes.Delta1: 0

Sea.Stroke: #83add4
Sea.Class: Area
Sea.Declutter: 2147483647
Sea.Thickness: 1
Sea.Delta1: 0
Sea.LabelDeclutter: 100
Sea.LabelColor: #6383a0

Shore.Stroke: #83add4
Shore.Class: Feature
Shore.Declutter: 2147483647
Shore.Thickness: 2
Shore.Delta1: 0

Navigation.Stroke: #000000FF
Navigation.Class: Feature
Navigation.Fill: #810000FF
Navigation.Declutter: 2147483647
Navigation.Thickness: 10
Navigation.Thinnest: 10
Navigation.Delta1: -3
Navigation.Delta2: 0
Navigation.LabelColor: #FFFFFF
Navigation.LabelBgColor: #810000FF
Navigation.Alt1Color: #7253FE
Navigation.Alt1Thickness: 6
Navigation.Alt2Color: #71C113
Navigation.Alt2Thickness: 6
Navigation.Alt3Color: #3DBCE0
Navigation.Alt3Thickness: 6

Stop Point.Stroke: #000000FF
Stop Point.Class: Feature
Stop Point.Fill: #CF4E00FF
Stop Point.Declutter: 2147483647
Stop Point.Thickness: 10
Stop Point.Thinnest: 10
Stop Point.Delta1: -2
Stop Point.Delta2: 0
Stop Point.LabelColor: #FFFFFF
Stop Point.LabelBgColor: #CF4E00FF

Shared Navigation.Stroke: #000000FF
Shared Navigation.Class: Feature
Shared Navigation.Fill: #810000FF
Shared Navigation.Declutter: 2147483647
Shared Navigation.Thickness: 10
Shared Navigation.Thinnest: 10
Shared Navigation.Delta1: -2
Shared Navigation.Delta2: 0
Shared Navigation.LabelColor: #FFFFFF
Shared Navigation.LabelBgColor: #810000FF

Shared Stop.Stroke: #000000FF
Shared Stop.Class: Feature
Shared Stop.Fill: #CF4E00FF
Shared Stop.Declutter: 2147483647
Shared Stop.Thickness: 10
Shared Stop.Thinnest: 10
Shared Stop.Delta1: -2
Shared Stop.Delta2: 0
Shared Stop.LabelColor: #FFFFFF
Shared Stop.LabelBgColor: #CF4E00FF

TrafficInfo.RouteColorGood: #FFCD62
TrafficInfo.RouteColorMild: #FF9752
TrafficInfo.RouteColorBad: #FF716F
TrafficInfo.RouteColorStandStill: #E12D2D
TrafficInfo.ArrowColorGood: #FF8E42
TrafficInfo.ArrowColorMild: #FF5E01
TrafficInfo.ArrowColorBad: #ED3030
TrafficInfo.ArrowColorStandStill: #BB0B0B

Recording.Stroke: #FF000000
Recording.Class: Feature
Recording.Fill: #FF0000
Recording.Declutter: 120
Recording.Thickness: 4
Recording.Thinnest: 4
Recording.Delta1: 0

Recorded.Stroke: #0000FF00
Recorded.Class: Feature
Recorded.Fill: #0000FF
Recorded.Declutter: 120
Recorded.Thickness: 4
Recorded.Thinnest: 4
Recorded.Delta1: 0

Code: Select all

###                    ###
###      Kirisek95     ###
###      17/3/2016     ###
###        NIGHT       ###
###                    ###

Labels.Color: #CDCDCD
Labels.BgColor: #000000

Map.Background: #333333
Map.Missing: #000000
Map.Depth: 0

Console.Background: #cfcfcf
Console.Foreground: #000000

OneWay.Color: #434343
OneWay.Stroke: #000000

Points.Color: #B2BFDC
Points.Stroke: #FF00002F

Selection.Color: #1DD0FF
Selection.Stroke: #20EADC

Thickness.Ref Zoom: 15
Thickness.Max Zoom: 1000

Freeways.Stroke: #000000
Freeways.Class: Road
Freeways.Fill: #d0d0d0
Freeways.Declutter: 2147483647
Freeways.Thickness: 10
Freeways.Thinnest: 10
Freeways.Delta1: -3
Freeways.Shadow: #272A22

Primary.Stroke: #000000
Primary.Class: Road
Primary.Fill: #d0d0d0
Primary.Declutter: 2147483647
Primary.Thickness: 10
Primary.Thinnest: 6
Primary.Delta1: -3
Primary.Shadow: #272A23

Secondary.Stroke: #000000
Secondary.Class: Road
Secondary.Fill: #d0d0d0
Secondary.Declutter: 2147483647
Secondary.Thickness: 10
Secondary.Thinnest: 10
Secondary.Delta1: -3
Secondary.Shadow: #272A24

Highways.Stroke: #000000
Highways.Class: Road
Highways.Fill: #d0d0d0
Highways.Declutter: 2147483647
Highways.Thickness: 10
Highways.Thinnest: 10
Highways.Delta1: -3
Highways.Shadow: #272A25

Streets.Stroke: #000000
Streets.Class: Road
Streets.Fill: #d0d0d0
Streets.Declutter: 2147483647
Streets.Thickness: 7
Streets.Thinnest: 7
Streets.Delta1: -3
Streets.Shadow: #272A26

Ramps.Stroke: #000000
Ramps.Class: Road
Ramps.Fill: #d0d0d0
Ramps.Declutter: 160
Ramps.Thickness: 7
Ramps.Thinnest: 7
Ramps.Delta1: -3
Ramps.Shadow: #272A27

Exit.Stroke: #000000
Exit.Class: Road
Exit.Fill: #d0d0d0
Exit.Declutter: 350
Exit.Thickness: 7
Exit.Thinnest: 7
Exit.Delta1: -3
Exit.Shadow: #272A28

4X4 Trails.Stroke: #7D582F
4X4 Trails.Class: Road
4X4 Trails.Fill: #7D582F
4X4 Trails.Declutter: 160
4X4 Trails.Thickness: 1
4X4 Trails.Thinnest: 3,5
4X4 Trails.Delta1: 0
4X4 Trails.Shadow: #272A29

Railroads.Stroke: #F0EFFAC8
Railroads.Class: Feature
Railroads.Fill: #FF0000FF
Railroads.Declutter: 2560
Railroads.Thickness: 1
Railroads.Thinnest: 1,7
Railroads.Delta1: -1
Railroads.Shadow: #272A30
Railroads.LabelDeclutter: 1

Runways.Stroke: #CECEBAB4
Runways.Max Zoom: Feature
Runways.Class: Feature
Runways.Fill: #1A1A1A
Runways.Declutter: 1500
Runways.Thickness: 2
Runways.Thinnest: 2
Runways.Delta1: -2,3
Runways.LabelDeclutter: 1
Runways.Delta2: 1
Runways.LabelColor: 1

Ferry.Stroke: #FFFFFFC0
Ferry.Class: Road
Ferry.Fill: #AAE7E5
Ferry.Declutter: 160
Ferry.Thickness: 4
Ferry.Thinnest: 4
Ferry.Delta1: -2,2
Ferry.Shadow: #272A32

Private.Stroke: #000000
Private.Class: Road
Private.Fill: #6E5E10
Private.Declutter: 4000
Private.Thickness: 5
Private.Thinnest: 2,8
Private.Delta1: -1.5
Private.Shadow: #272A33

Parking.Stroke: #000000
Parking.Class: Road
Parking.Fill: #848484
Parking.Declutter: 4000
Parking.Thickness: 4,5
Parking.Thinnest: 2,4
Parking.Delta1: -1.5
Parking.Shadow: #272A34

Pedestrian.Stroke: #E0E0E0
Pedestrian.Class: Road
Pedestrian.Fill: #3B3B3BDF
Pedestrian.Declutter: 160
Pedestrian.Thickness: 1
Pedestrian.Thinnest: 2
Pedestrian.Delta1: 0
Pedestrian.Shadow: #272A35

Trails.Stroke: #E0E0E0
Trails.Class: Road
Trails.Fill: #3B3B3BDF
Trails.Declutter: 160
Trails.Thickness: 1
Trails.Thinnest: 2
Trails.Delta1: 0
Trails.Shadow: #272A36

Walkway.Stroke: #E0E0E0
Walkway.Class: Road
Walkway.Fill: #3B3B3BDF
Walkway.Declutter: 160
Walkway.Thickness: 1
Walkway.Thinnest: 2
Walkway.Delta1: 0
Walkway.Shadow: #272A37

Stations.Stroke: #545454
Stations.Class: Area
Stations.Fill: #545454
Stations.Declutter: 200
Stations.Thickness: 1
Stations.Delta1: 0
Stations.LabelColor: #A1A1A1

Cities.Class: Area
Cities.Declutter: 2147483647
Cities.Thickness: 1
Cities.Delta1: 0
Cities.LabelColor: #ffffff

Airports.Stroke: #545454
Airports.Class: Area
Airports.Fill: #545454
Airports.Declutter: 2147483647
Airports.Thickness: 1
Airports.Delta1: 0

Hospitals.Stroke: #545454
Hospitals.Class: Area
Hospitals.Fill: #545454
Hospitals.Declutter: 200
Hospitals.Thickness: 1
Hospitals.Delta1: 0

Malls.Stroke: #545454
Malls.Class: Area
Malls.Fill: #545454
Malls.Declutter: 2147483647
Malls.Thickness: 1
Malls.Delta1: 0

Parks.Stroke: #193125
Parks.Class: Area
Parks.Fill: #193125
Parks.Declutter: 200
Parks.Thickness: 1
Parks.Delta1: 0
Parks.LabelColor: #224232

Rivers.Stroke: #005078
Rivers.Class: Feature
Rivers.Fill: #005078
Rivers.Declutter: 300
Rivers.Thickness: 3
Rivers.Delta1: 0
Rivers.LabelColor: #005078

Lakes.Stroke: #005078
Lakes.Class: Area
Lakes.Fill: #005078
Lakes.Declutter: 1300
Lakes.Thickness: 1
Lakes.Delta1: 0
Lakes.LabelColor: #005078

Sea.Stroke: #005078
Sea.Class: Area
Sea.Fill: #005078
Sea.Declutter: 2147483647
Sea.Thickness: 1
Sea.Delta1: 0
Sea.LabelDeclutter: 100
Sea.LabelColor: #005078

Shore.Stroke: #005078
Shore.Class: Feature
Shore.Fill: #005078
Shore.Declutter: 2147483647
Shore.Thickness: 2
Shore.Delta1: 0
Shore.LabelColor: #005078

Navigation.Stroke: #000000FF
Navigation.Class: Feature
Navigation.Fill: #810000FF
Navigation.Declutter: 2147483647
Navigation.Thickness: 10
Navigation.Thinnest: 10
Navigation.Delta1: -3
Navigation.Delta2: 0
Navigation.LabelColor: #FFFFFF
Navigation.LabelBgColor: #810000FF
Navigation.Alt1Color: #7253FE
Navigation.Alt1Thickness: 6
Navigation.Alt2Color: #71C113
Navigation.Alt2Thickness: 6
Navigation.Alt3Color: #3DBCE0
Navigation.Alt3Thickness: 6

Stop Point.Stroke: #000000FF
Stop Point.Class: Feature
Stop Point.Fill: #CF4E00FF
Stop Point.Declutter: 2147483647
Stop Point.Thickness: 10
Stop Point.Thinnest: 10
Stop Point.Delta1: -2
Stop Point.Delta2: 0
Stop Point.LabelColor: #FFFFFF
Stop Point.LabelBgColor: #CF4E00FF

Shared Navigation.Stroke: #000000FF
Shared Navigation.Class: Feature
Shared Navigation.Fill: #810000FF
Shared Navigation.Declutter: 2147483647
Shared Navigation.Thickness: 10
Shared Navigation.Thinnest: 10
Shared Navigation.Delta1: -2
Shared Navigation.Delta2: 0
Shared Navigation.LabelColor: #FFFFFF
Shared Navigation.LabelBgColor: #810000FF

Shared Stop.Stroke: #000000FF
Shared Stop.Class: Feature
Shared Stop.Fill: #CF4E00FF
Shared Stop.Declutter: 2147483647
Shared Stop.Thickness: 10
Shared Stop.Thinnest: 10
Shared Stop.Delta1: -2
Shared Stop.Delta2: 0
Shared Stop.LabelColor: #FFFFFF
Shared Stop.LabelBgColor: #CF4E00FF

TrafficInfo.RouteColorGood: #FFCD62
TrafficInfo.RouteColorMild: #FF9752
TrafficInfo.RouteColorBad: #FF716F
TrafficInfo.RouteColorStandStill: #E12D2D
TrafficInfo.ArrowColorGood: #FF8E42
TrafficInfo.ArrowColorMild: #FF5E01
TrafficInfo.ArrowColorBad: #ED3030
TrafficInfo.ArrowColorStandStill: #BB0B0B

Recording.Stroke: #FF000000
Recording.Class: Feature
Recording.Fill: #FF0000
Recording.Declutter: 120
Recording.Thickness: 4
Recording.Thinnest: 4
Recording.Delta1: 0

Recorded.Stroke: #0000FF00
Recorded.Class: Feature
Recorded.Fill: #0000FF
Recorded.Declutter: 120
Recorded.Thickness: 4
Recorded.Thinnest: 4
Recorded.Delta1: 0
Posts: 94
Has thanked: 16 times
Been thanked: 12 times
Send a message
Lenovo A7000 Waze (Beta testing - android)
:idea: Skiny Toggelis Waze EditorTWE 1.8.0 testing - android)