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Stop the popup tips on the website!

Post by JoeZoomZoom
If I'm sitting at my desk trying to plan my day with a trip, I'll use the website on the computer I'm sitting at rather than getting out my phone.  Whenever I visit the Waze website, though, I get a barrage of popup tips telling me how to do things that I don't need or want to do, and that I already remember from the first time I used the website.  I just need to enter my start- and end-points and get my routes and drive-times.  I'm pretty sure that I can remember, or figure out, what "Leave now" and "Save to app" mean without getting a popup every single time I go to the site.

If Waze is going to slow me down like this every single time I visit the website, I will simply start using another option (like Apple Maps, built-in to my Mac).
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Post by turbomkt
Were you logged in? It's possible you were getting the popups because you weren't. Since you posted here, you are definitely logged in.

Is it still happening?
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