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Map Issue - Feedback to be added

Post by talsworthy

I would like the option on the map issues within the map to choose an option which allowed me to effectively create a pointer on the map that you can then update using the map editor.

Until the map had feedback added it wouldn't appear as an issue for other editors. Feedback could then either be a detailed description of the issue or actually correcting the map depending on the users permissions.

A couple of times I have reported an issue but I am sure to editors it is quite confusing seeing something like incorrect map directions when I am pointing out the map isn't handling the lane coming off correctly. Or incorrect directions because it hasn't routed correctly.

An email to the person requiring feedback would be also useful (like we see when no issue is identified)

As an additional it could be useful for editors to have the ability to simulate the app on the editor so we could see what instructions the users receive.
Posts: 6



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