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Obala, more i otoci

Post by EasyRiderHR
Bok svima!

Primjetio jedan problem s obalom, morem i otocima, koji se uz malo posla može i mora riješiti.

Prvo mi je upao u oči neobičan (da ne kažemo potrgan) prikaz Korčule, dok se prikazuje u Live Mapu i Waze klijentu:
Potrgani prikaz Korčule
(34.81 KiB) Downloaded 341 times
Nakon dosta razmišljanja zaključio sam da je problem u prevelikim poligonima koji definiraju more i tako ocrtavaju obalu. Najveći problem je što po pojedinim poligonima ima i po nekoliko tisuća točaka, a neki su dosta nepravilnih oblika i prostiru se stotinama kilometara. Kako Waze optimizira učitavanje poligona na način da učitava svaku N-tu točku ovisno o nivou zuma kojim gledamo kartu, tako se desilo da radi odviše složenog poligona jednostavno nikada ne učita sve točke. Tako dobijemo ovaj gore efekt.

Rješenje je da se dio mora uz obalu razbije na manje fragmente duljine mora razbiju na manje, jednostavnije poligone od 10 do 20 km širine i da se onda na tim poligonima crtaju detalji obale. Tako ćemo dobiti pojedinačne poligone koji svaki zasebno ima 100-njak točaka, naspram sadašnjih koji imaju na tisuće točaka. Rezultat toga je:
  • brže učitavanje karte
  • brže spremanje prilikom izmjena
  • manji promet u samom klijentu prilikom navigacije
  • bolji prikaz, odn. neće više biti ovakvih problema
  • i konačno, manja šteta ako netko slučajno obriše dio
Evo primjera kako bi to trebalo izgledati:
Razbijanje mora na manje segmente (sjeverni dio je sređen, južni još uvijek prikazuje staro stanje)
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Zato bih lijepo zamolio editore nivoa 5 da mi se priključe u ovoj akciji koliko stignu, da što prije budemo gotovi.

Također bih zamolio i sve ostale editore da imaju na umu ovo gore kod kreiranja bilo kakvih velikih, razvedenih površina.

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Last edited by EasyRiderHR on Tue Jul 28, 2015 12:09 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Post by drcain

drawing smaller sea/lake polygons doesn't work anymore (see the above examples from Easy in current state).

I have checked the forums and it doesn't seem that this issue will be addressed anytime soon. And drivers create lots of URs of roads in the water.

Some countries use "temporary" (maybe permanent) workaround to draw a small polygons of island area along the coastline. What is the current guideline for Croatia? (I'm not L5, but I might be able to help with this in the area where I travel a lot (i.e. Korcula / Mljet / Peljesac) - if unlocked).

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Post by drcain
OK - but it doesn't work - or at least doesn't work as well as intended (maybe the water areas need to be even smaller than 10-30km) - I see in WME that since your screenshot of Korcula (2 years ago) this workaround mentioned above was actually put in place around the whole Korcula, but the coastal area is still incorrect (check out the Vela Luka or Grscica area on Korcula on livemap).

What I have seen that actually works as a workaround is the island area put on the coastline - can be seen for example in South African area or Saudi Arabia. Some countries decided to log all such workarounds and they intend to remove them once Waze implements some kind of permanent fix (even though I've seen opinions that that may never happen as this issue is well known since 2010-2012 and that the island area placed on the coasts might be the permanent solution).

Maybe the guideline should be changed to create even smaller water polygons around the coast? Or maybe the guideline can adopt the workaround with island area from other countries?
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Post by drcain
This is a good example from Estonia:
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Post by drcain
Hello again,

in the area where I usually help or fix issues in Croatia (Korcula/Peljesac/Mljet) there are problems with the coastal areas and URs for this issue are pretty common. The smaller water polygons no longer work, but the island polygons do. So I can fix this issue (temporarily - until Waze finally releases some official fix) with adding small island areas around the coastline where the roads are (this really works - I have done it as an AM for Zanzibar as this common practice in Africa).

The question from my side is, if the Croatian community will be OK with such temporary workaround. Do I get your approval?
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Post by drcain
Alright - will start with it during next days and I will note here what has been done.

Please note: I will not crate new posts in this forum, but will edit current post regularly with updates of work done.

Work done so far:
(last updated 24.09.2017)

Mljet: ... 0.13543995
(this one still doesn't look good in livemap and needs tweaking some more - waiting for AM request to be fulfilled) ... 8.13543994 ... 3.13543989 ... 4.13543864 ... 3.13543865

Korcula: ... 3.13717513 ... 5.13716567 ... 3.13716568
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Post by EasyRiderHR
  1. Kreirati novi pravokutnik na mjestu gdje treba zamijeniti dio i potom pokušati "Save", kako biste se uvjerili da na tom mjestu smijete editirati. Neka pologon bude 10-30 km širok, ovisno o razvedenosti obale.
  2. Novi pravokutnik ugrubo prilagoditi obali. Pritom ne koristiti više od 10-20 točaka, to ćete prilagođavati kasnije.
  3. Selektirati stari poligon i krenuti s brisanjem točaka koje ćete zamijeniti novim poligonom. Nikada ne brisati više od 40-tak točaka prije klikanja na "Save", jer ćete dobiti grešku "Error saving entry, please try later." Ako ste se zaletili i promijeniti više točaka, lupajte "Undo" dok ne dođete na 40 točaka i onda lupite "Save".
  4. Prilagoditi nove točke obali. Nema potrebe koristiti segmente kraće od 100-njak metara, ako dio nije naseljen.
Važne napomene:
  • Jako je važno napraviti korak 1, jer se inače može desiti da izbrišete dio mora, kojega kasnije nećete moći nadomjestiti!
  • Kod brisanja točaka prvo kliknite na poligon, da se prikažu točke, pa onda držeći tipku "D" polako prelazite mišem preko točaka koje želite izbrisati.
  • Uvijek brišite od jednog kraja prema drugome (ne napreskokce), jer tako možete u bilo kojem trenutku stati i zamijeniti samo dio kojega ste obrisali, kako biste nastavili kasnije.
  • Prije spremanja poligona uvijek morate paziti da se linije poligona ne križaju. U protivnome će se kod snimanja javljati greška.
  • Obalu (pogotovo u kanalima) crtajte samo s jedne strane poligona, kako ne biste opet dobili poligon s previše točaka. Za drugi dio obale nacrtajte novi poligon.
  • Poligoni se na spojevima trebaju malo preklapati, kako između ne bi ostajale prazne "crte".
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Post by EasyRiderHR
You are totally right. I've talked with one of the developers in Waze, and the root cause is that islands are defined together with country boundaries. Apparently, that issue was mentioned to be in their to-do list for quite some time, but there's nothing solved there yet.

The workardound with the poligons as you described it, seems to be the best (or the least unconvenient) one.
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Post by sniperkiki
If you think it's gonna be better for end user which is using navigation.
From my side feel free to do it!

Just make sure you write here exactly what you did, so we can track it later on.

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