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L4 - Road Type Change - Manchester  Topic is solved

Posted: Fri Jul 16, 2021 10:30 pm
by finn3y

I have seen a few user requests recently for this segment, it seems Waze is routing through a closure so it may be worth changing the segment to private for now as the road seems to be closed due to pedestrianisation rather than roadworks (see street view for details).

Can someone please make this change, if it is the right way to do it of course  :D

Prohibition of vehicles order (Salford Council)



Re: L4 - Road Type Change - Manchester

Posted: Sat Jul 17, 2021 2:30 pm
by atrophicshiner
There was no closure mapped on this segment, the original closure expired on 11 July 2021.

We use Real Time Closures as they can be removed immediately (a few minutes) rather than Time Based Restrictions or map changes requiring a map tile update (min 36 hours, often longer).

I have therefore remapped the closure. Can I suggest you don't close the associated Map Problem until the closure is applied.