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Practice of setting road to "Runway" Types

Post by vectorspace

I recently learned from "locojd1" who is editing in New Mexico, that there has been some decision to set dirt roads to "runway" types to eliminate them from the map.  This practice started happening around my home in Albuquerque (west side) and I noticed it while editing.

There is a problem with this.  Dirt roads in New Mexico are used like streets.  I argued this back in 2013 or 2015 when I made the argument that some of these dirt roads were like highways.  I particularly advocated for this on BIA lands (native American). If one (at the time) were to mark these as dirt roads, this would deny residents of the state of NM their use as the real highways they were for the communities (they were well maintained).

Now this practice of eliminating dirt roads from the map is denying NM residents of travel on these roads that are important on the outskirts of the city.  I travel on them all the time when visiting people who live in the undeveloped areas around the city.  They are used throughout the state.  These roads are not under construction... they are dirt roads that have been that way for decades, 50 years, or longer.

So I hope the community will stop this practice that seems a tad arrogant or privileged thinking that dirt roads are impassible and not useful.  Rural communities need and use these roads.  Please don't mark such roads as runways.  

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Post by mhh60
Vectorspace, thanks for your input. The "runway hack" is approved and even recommended by SWR leadership. Even so, the area in question has seen a lot of development since the most recent SV images. If the roads are passable based on your BOTG, feel free to change them to Local Street (passable in normal conditions by a typical sedan) or Off-Road/Not Maintained (passable in normal circumstances by a 4x4 vehicle) using the Unpaved checkbox.
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Post by turbomkt
I tried to address this via chat, but you didn't give me as much time as I gave you.

I will provide a quick clarification here. Dirt roads are set as runway when they are not yet available, or shouldn't be.  We have plenty of dirt roads that are mapped as high as primary street type.  These are roads that are graded and usually have Functional Classification assigned by the state DOT.

This is a link to some of the roads in the area that you provided to me.  Aerial imagery is 1 year old.  Does it reflect the current state of the roads?  Or has there been development in the last 12 months?  If the imagery is correct, these appear to be typical doubletrack.  The roads also do not appear to go through to anywhere, and none of them have GPS tracks on them.  These are exactly the kinds of segments we will set as Runway to discourage routing people onto them (or for freewazing where someone can see a road in the app and think it must be passable).

These segments are an example where the aerials are out of date, but there is significant GPS traffic (goes to almost none at the west end) so having them set as unpaved street seems appropriate.

I'll be standing by to continue the conversation.  I should be a little more available than I was yesterday when you messaged me.
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