There are many tools developed by fellow editors which facilitate editing. Tools for keeping track of things, viewing information in an easy way, or adding extra functionality to WME. Note that with every update of WME, scripts and other tools might be broken and it may need time for the developers to adapt them to the latest code.
This page describes a selection of the tools, scripts and extensions that might come handy when you start using extra tools. Note that you should have a basic understanding of WME first so to understand the influence of a tool. The advice is to make yourself acquainted with one addition at a time, to comprehend the working well.
Extensions are pieces of program that adds functionality to WME via your browser.

Most used script manager. It catalogs and automatically runs the installed scripts on pages where it is designed for. It's a necessity if you start working with scripts.
- Available for Chrome, Edge, Safari, Firefox, Opera
- Download

This script adds many features like highlight of level-locked segments, highlights of segments with house numbers, selection of segments or places using filters, measuring road length or places surface, copy segment attributes, delete expired restrictions, PermaLink creation without layers, and many many more. Since 2015, the permissions to use the individual tools can be set per country.
- Developer: originally written by OyyoDams. Further developed and maintained by a group: AlexN-114, BellHouse, davielde, doctorkb, dummyd2, giovanni-cortinovis and Sebiseba.
- WME Toolbox Country Settings.
- More info on Global Wiki with a description of all the features. Although outdated, it has some nice pictures with explanations.
- Discussion on the forum in English and in French. Make sure to look for the thread with the latest version.
- Install for Chrome or Firefox
Scripts are additional programs that changes or add features to the original WME. Best use them with Chrome. Firefox will also work, upgrading to newer version may be necessary. To use scripts, you need to install a script managing program such as Tampermonkey.
Below is a list of rather generic scripts that eases editing. Specific scripts are described on the page about the specific subject. Script developers provide a sheet with an overview of all current scripts with download links.

Open Maps
Adds an overlay with available data from other allowed resources to the editor, such as the cadastre data (GRB, Gipod).
- Developer: Glodenox
- Install and documentation
In the menu left, click the tab with the map symbol to display the available maps.
Starting out as a replacement for the Lock dropdown box in the menu, it now saves even more clicks and scrolling in the menu while editing.
- Developer: MapOMatic
- Install
- Discussion on the forum
Fix UI Memorial Edition
Improves the Users Interface and provides other enhancements to improve the editing experience for editors, particularly those working on smaller screens.
- Developer: Twister-UK (fork of de repo from iainhouse)
- Install
- Discussion and description on the forum
Image Overlays
Adds an overlay in which you can display local images onto the map as background. This makes it possible to accurately draw roads that aren't available yet on satellite imagery with just a picture or screenshot.
- Developer: Glodenox
- Install
- Discussion on the forum
A related script is WME Geometries which can load a geometry file (e.g., KML, WKT, GPX) and overlay it in the WME.

Junction Angle Info
Shows the corners at junctions, with a handy indicator of the probable turn-instructions.
- Developer: Originally created by by milkboy. Further developed by several editors, amongst them AlanOfTheBerg, tkr85, berestovskyy, FZ69617, wlodek76. Currently maintained by seb-d59.
- Install
- Discussion on the forum
Highlight map problems that can be detected by code, and suggests a solution. Highlights and possible solutions can be specified by country.
- Developer: dbcm
- Install and documentation
- Discussion on the forum
Send to Slack
Sending requests for (down)Locks, Closures & openings, and Validation of changes directly from WME to Slack.
- Developer: Tunisiano18
- Install
- Documentation

Speed helper
Eases the input of speed limits.
- Developer: gertbroos
- Install
- Discussion on the forum
Street View Availability
Whenever you drag the Street View marker in the map editor, blue lines indicating where Street View imagery is light up. Also the month at which the imagery is shown.
- Developer: Glodenox
- Install
- Discussion and description on the forum
Tab Manager
- Developer: Glodenox
- Install
- Discussion and description on the forum
WMEBR Filter for PURs
Filter for PURs that you can handle based on your level. To be used with the Problems Report Tool
- Developer: Tunisiano18
- Install
- Discussion on the forum
Overview of current scripts
- The Waze devs (all fellow editors volunteering, thank you!) keep a Scripts Inventory of all current scripts with download links.
- Many Waze user scripts are published on Greasy Fork. To see the most recent updated ones on top, use this sorted list. Of course, you can also search a specific script directly using the the top right search field.
Further reading
- Scripts and Tools channel in Slack
- Scripts forum
- Global scripts page contains a lot of info, but it is outdated
- Advanced: Guidelines for developers
Other tools
Polygon creator/reader
Create bordered areas as "wicket" polygons (WKT format, not to confuse with "wicked")
- link to Wicket sandbox
- link to wazedev.com here you can also see Waze coordinates
- Polygons can be displayed in WME using the script WME Geometries
Problems Report Tool - WMEBR
Gives a clear overview with direct links to URs, MPs, PURs, Closures, Alerts, and Comments.
- Developer: ronsek57
- Check out Belgium and Luxembourg.
- Description and discussion the forum
Handy addition might be the WMEBR filter for PURS.
Personal Dashboard
- Your personal statistics can be found in your account settings, by clicking on your profile icon in the top right of the WME menu bar, or use this direct link: waze.com/dashboard.
- Another informative page with your recent edits and more is on www.waze.com/user/editor/<your name>.
BeLux Dashboard Reports
A community-led initiative to monitor various data sources for open tasks and issues
Current events
An overview of the current events that are added to Waze
Waze Belux cooperates with several organisations to enhance data and navigation. Examples are Wegstatus, Tripservice, Fluxology, Scelta-Mobility. Will be elaborated.