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Ghana Waze

Welcome to the Ghana Waze community wiki! These pages are meant as a guide to develop and maintain the Waze map of Ghana. We have borrowed a bit from the Namibian Waze pages (which in turn credit South Africa for much of the content). Currently, much of the editing in Ghana is based on satellite photos, so it is difficult to create a very accurate map with all features for lane guidance etc. that is used in some other countries. Therefore a KISS approach is used at this stage, both in the Wiki and the map we create. (KISS = Keep It Simple, Stupid!)

Quick Start Guide


Thank you for the interest in contributing to the map!

Before you blindly start editing, make sure you look at the Tips for successful editing in the Main Page - Contents

To get started, make sure you are up to speed with the basics of how to use the WME. Editing is a time consuming activity, so it could be handy to use the Keyboard Shortcuts (by pressing "?" while using WME shows a panel thereof).

Editing requires a computer, e.g. PC, Linux or Mac. Google Chrome is perhaps the preferred browser to use the editor. (Editing using a smart phone is in theory possible, but the user interface is not adapted to a touch screen as of 2025.)

Logging in

Be sure to select the appropriate server based on the part of the world you are editing. The URL in the browser should look similar to: (row = rest of the world, i.e. not USA or il)

If prompted to login, use the same username and password as you do on the Waze client app and the rest of the Waze website. (It is also possible to use the Waze app on your phone to log in using the camera on the phone and the QR code)

Copyrighted Material

Consulting a map book or looking up the name of the road should be ok and please trace roads on Google aerial images, but do not trace roads from Google maps or Open Street Map and other online maps. In areas which have been gated off, Google is not always accurate anyway. Please ensure you read the section on external sources of data as using these may infringe copyrights. It is preferable to use Geographic Information System (GIS) information supplied by local authorities, should this be available.

Join us in Slack

Invite Link:

Join us in the #ghana channel

The Ghana editors community use Slack to keep in contact with other Waze editors. It focuses on text communications with the ability to share images and files. It includes special notification options to keep you informed when topics come up for which you are interested.

It also allows for direct communication with senior editors, making it easier and quicker to request "Down Locks" or "Up Locks" as well as relying on them for expert editing knowledge.

Ghanesian Road Classification

The following is background information to explains the road numbering system in Ghana, road type, surface finish and route numbering and how "Road type" is named in WME. In short roads/streets are named from higher order to lowest as follows:

-Route name (if a route name is known enter it as "street name" in WME)

-Road name (if a road name is known enter it as "street name" in WME, or alternative name when part of a route)

-Street name (if street name is known enter it as "street name" in WME) - Common Abbreviations

-unnamed (if street name is not known select none in the menu) - IMPORTANT

Trunk Roads

  • The most important roads, which connect main centres in the country with centres in neighbouring countries; proclaimed with a road reserve of 60m.
  • Signposted with TRxxxx on the particular section, example T0101 or T0501
  • Entered as Alt name in WME, forms parts of A or B routes
  • Route name signposted