Permanent Hazards View history

Revision as of 16:29, 5 March 2024 by Kkervinjones (talk | contribs)

Permanent Hazards (PH) are a new Waze feature (as of Feb 2024) that allows Waze to give warnings of upcoming Hazards on the map that are always there, unlike temporary hazards like floods, roadkill and potholes.

The following PHs can be mapped:

  • Speed Bumps
  • Toll Booths
  • Pedestrian Crossings (not yet implemented by Waze)

The UK Champs have decided that the following PHs are not to be mapped in the UK as they do not suit the UK road network and are too subjective to map:

  • Complex intersection (junction)
  • Multiple lanes merging
  • Sharp curves (bends)

Mapping hazards

To map Permanent Hazards, the Hazard Layer must be enabled. The PH types can be found under the Hazard menu.

After selecting a PH from the menu, moving the cursor around the map will show the segment the PH will snap to. Click the left mouse button to set the PH's position. PHs are bi-directional. If the PH is placed onto a one-way road, the PH will only work in the direction the segment is running. If placed onto a two-way road, the PH's direction can be changed (A->B/B->A).

The current Editor Rank to add or change a PH is L3, but this will also depend on the level of the road segment the PH is being added to or changed on. Any PHs attached to the segment will also be deleted if a segment is deleted.

Permanent hazard types

Speed bumps

Speed Bumps are to be mapped for all speed bumps except those classed as Speed Cushions/Pillows, as most vehicles can drive over these at the speed limit without issue.

Do not map Speed Bumps in car parks. Drivers should already be going slow enough not to need an alert.

Toll booths

As there are not many Toll Roads around the UK, there are not many Toll Booths. These are all mapped already, so unless there is a change, there should be no need for additional changes to this PH type. Please get in touch with the UK champs if changes are required.

Toll Roads that are free flow, with no Toll Booths (for example, the Dartford Crossing and Mersey bridges), must not be mapped with Toll Booths. Also, Car Park Booths or barriers must not be mapped as Toll Booths.

Pedestrian crossing

To be advised once implemented by Waze.

Alerts on the client

PH alerts will be displayed on the client 500 metres before the hazard has been mapped as a takeover with sound. They will only show and alert when driving on a planned route (i.e. not "free driving".)

Multiple pins capping: When multiple PH of the same type occur in close proximity (less than 500 from each other), the app will group them as follows:

  • Show one Alerter letting the driver know that there are multiple occurrences of such type ahead.
  • Show only one pin on the map in the app for the first occurrence of this PH (grouping is done by PH type and never for different types together)

Familiarity capping: the app has a mechanism to prevent audible alert if a user uses the same route on a regular bases. The alert's icons will still appear on the map regardless..