[Guidelines] Handling of UR's

In the past we have made some guidelines for the handling of UR’s in the Benelux. Because they are difficult to find in the forum and didn’t make in to the wiki yet, here a short summary

  • UR’s where the reason for the problem is clear and where you have solved the problem, can be closed as “Solved”. It is recommended to reply to the reporter what you did to solve the problem.

  • When the reason is not clear you can ask the reporter for more information. When there is no response to your request for information within 5 days you can send a reminder to the reporter. When there is still no answer you can close the UR as “Not Indentified” after an extra 2 days. So an unindentified UR stays open for a minium of 7 days.

  • You can always use the UR sub-forums of the different countries or Hangout or Slack to ask for assistance of other editors.

  • Sometimes a higher Level editor is needed to solve the problem, because the involved segments are locked at a high Level.

  • There is no ownership of a UR. It is however recommended that you contact the editor who asked for information if you have Solved a UR with a pending request for information.
    When a UR seems to be forgotten by the original editor (more than 2 weeks have passed since the request for information) you are free to close the UR as “Not Indentified” .

You got my support (as you know :wink: ). But I don’t call it rules but guidelines.


The rule as such does not belong in the wiki forum :wink:
Here you can propose on which page the new rule should be written, or you can also propose a new page.

For now, I referenced from the new Quick Start Guide to this forum topic. We need to think through if a separate page on UR Handling in the BeNeLux is necessary.

Concerning the UR Comments script: we are currently testing whether the days for reminders/follow-up and closing date can be set locally or individually. In the mean time, you can use the filters supllied in URO+ to set the desired days for URs to be shown (and subsequently handled) in your session.

How about implementing these guidelines into the UR script? I don’t use it myself, but I see it still takes 4 days… I thougt this could be changed in the script?

The new version, in which you can set these days, is about to be released. However, it takes a change in all subscripts and translations. Currently testing out these subscripts, but as you know, we ar all busy …

Ok, nice to hear! Thx Mo!