This forum is for discussing new ideas that you believe will help make the Waze App more useful to the community, however this forum is not where you should submit your suggestions.
For that reason, we ask that you read the following before you post:
1. Review the WME Suggestion Box for a WME Request which is substantially similar to your own. If you find one, then don’t create a new duplicate one and give your votes to the existing suggestion! There is power in numbers!
2. Search this forum to see if this was already discussed using the box directly above the forum section next to the NewTopic button. Do not use the search box you see here, using it would only search this thread.
If you don’t see your idea after searching both of those locations, then:
- Please be sure to create the suggestion in the WME Suggestion Box first. This is the ONLY place where new ideas/suggestions should be submitted, not here on the forum.
(Waze staff only checks suggestions posted there.) - Feel free to share your idea here on the forums to discuss it with other community members and don’t forget to share the URL/link to your suggestion for others to find it and vote it up.
(Waze staff does not check this forum, but that will make your suggestion more visible for feedback and votes from other Wazers.) - List one idea per post with as descriptive a title as possible to help future searches.
(Avoid titles such as “Suggestion/Improvements”, “My idea”, “Map Editor”… which are vague and could be anything.) - If you think your idea is similar to one already listed, then just start by mentioning your idea is similar to one already covered, include the suggestion box’s URL (web address link) for that idea, and then describe how you propose a change or addition to that idea.
- If the idea is in a recent thread, then just add your comments to that thread. If the thread is over 6 months old, you might consider just starting a new thread, but posting a link to the original idea and giving a reference to the suggestions box item so that people can continue to vote it up.