[Script] WME-Send-To-Slack (Discord, Telegram and GForms)

WME-Send-To-Slack (Slack, Discord, Telegram and GForms)

As it’s easier to manage a website, you can see the complete explanations with latests updates Here : https://wmests.bowlman.org

What’s doing this script ?

It’s more easy to send requests about Lock, Downlock, Closure, Openning, and Validation of changes
The requests are sent to a webhook to Slack or Discrord
The requests can be sent to a GForm too.

Thanks to that and to Bertzzz’s , we’ve got a spreadsheet that helps to promotion decision on L1-L3 levels
Thanks to santyg2001, we now have the Telegram Support

What does it looks like ?

The Validation link is on top of the Left collumn just above the settings tab

The Lock and Downlock links are below the locking choice in the général tab

The Closure and Open links are …? In the Closure Tab just above the Closure tab.

Just one thing, this part only shows if the closure layer is active

How can i use it ?

Like most of the scripts used by Waze editors, you need to install :

What’s different whith the old one ?
I’ve :

  • rewrited completely the script
  • fixed some of the bugs
  • moved the icons
  • added a setting tab when a venue, segment, camera, JB, … is selected
  • added the ability to add more Countries on Slack/Discord
  • updated the GForm submition
  • the script source code is now in clear text except for one dependency

So now, If you want to add a Country/Community, if you’re using Slack or Discord, just tell me…
If you just want to add other supports(other than Discord or Slack), let me know which, and i’ll search to use it.

How to send bugs or features ?

Just :

Which country are using this script ?

Currently i’ve added these countries

  • Bangladesh
  • Belgium
  • India
  • Luxembourg
  • Malta
  • Namibia
  • Sri Lanka
  • South Africa
  • Netherlands

Maybe your’s next :wink:
Add My country
Want to add your country ? ask your community managers to complete this : https://forms.gle/4DjJrkAtdKhU7QQx8

Here is an exmple on slack (discord behind)




This seems to be a good script, I’m still with the doubt. Does this script works with various segments at the time ?. I mean for example, If i want to request an unlock of 3 segments, does this script still working?.

Can you give example of what will be shown in discord?

Can you please provide an example in Slack also.


I’ve added at the bottom.

Hello, Yes the script will take the higher level and ask editor with that level to unlock them

We used to to unlock requests only on the forum but we recently also added a channel on our Slack for them so this could be interesting.
What are the details that you need to set it up for a new country using Slack (onboarding process)?

Here is the link of the GForm : https://forms.gle/4DjJrkAtdKhU7QQx8

We also have the ability to add a hidden GForm where i can send informations to, and [tag]BertZZZZ[/tag] has added a new tab in it to have a dashboard that :

  • Resume how many requests of each type are sent from a user
  • show the level

And we’re using it to know:

  • where an editor is editing
  • if (s)he is active
  • what he does most
    and it help to make decisions about promotions…

So if you want it…, ours is on a Gdrive folder shared by every l4+

Thanks tunisiano18, in Colombia the script in Slack and Discord works perfectly, thanks good work.

i thinks this script have some problem

What problems are you having?

Don’t hesitate to tell me if you see any problems.

I’ve seen that if some editors have a screen biger than the the others, sometime, the PL can send too much to the right, i’ll center the PL on the object to try in a future release

I’m working now on a Solution to add states, after that i’ll work on the PL, than on a translation.

Have a nice day

I’ve made a Big update that add the states supports, You may need to change the settings

For Mongolia it works perfect, thanks tunisiano18 :smiley:

Is it working for you ? I don’t see any input in the GFOrm for Switzerland
Thank you

Thank you Tunisiano18 for setting up this tool for China.

Telegram support added in 2020.06.13.01. :mrgreen:

Translations support per language added :mrgreen:


Thank you Santy, very good contribution to the Spanish-speaking community