Scan a very large area (even an entire state) for segments and/or places
Base script just provides functionality to manage areas
Plugins provide functionality to deep-scan area
Export results to a CSV file or browser tab
Save predefined areas for scanning again
Export/Import areas for sharing with other editors
WME Wide-Angle has only been tested in the US. This is a fairly early version, so please report any bugs and I will try to fix ASAP!
Features of WME Wide-Angle Lens are accessed from the Wide-Angle Lens tab in the user pane. Define Area
An area that you wish to scan is created by “drawing” an area place/venue. The area can be as small or as large as you wish - some people have created one as large as an entire state. Do NOT save the area. Instead, give the area a name in the “Add Custom Area” section and click the save link. Should things work successfully you should see the area listed in the pane. Plugins
The base script by itself does nothing other than allow you to define areas. You really need plugins to do something with that area. Plugins typically provide filter criteria as well as a mechanism to specify how you would like the output. Each plugin has a separate tab that is used for configuration. Scan Area
Once you have at least one area saved you can scan it. First choose at least one plugin that you would like to use. Then choose the area to scan and press the Scan button. Sit back and watch as the map is panned throughout the area. When it’s done the selected plugins should report their status and generate some output. Don’t touch anything during the scan as this might interfere with the process. Depending on the size of the area that is being scanned, the process can take quite some time. There is currently no indicator of progress, but if you use WME toolbox you can use the Mini Map to monitor the scan.
If you need to cancel a scan in progress for any reason click the “Cancel” button. Export/Import Area
If you would like to back up or share an area, choose the area and click the “Export” button. The area will be saved as a text file containing the Well Known Text representation of the area.
To import an area (either saved from WME Wide-Angle Lens or from some other tool that can generated a Well Known Text file), search for the file and click the “Import” button. Notes
While scanning entire states is certainly possible, I would recommend not doing that for Streets. The zoom level required to “see” Streets is such that scanning a very large area can take a LONG time.
Version History Core Script
Added support for new Map Comments plugin
Bug fixes to support latest release of WME
Areas are now sorted alphabetically
Initial release Streets Plugin
Include last editor in output
Ability to filter based on last editor
Find segments with elevation <, >, or <> ground
Find segments based on length
Added city RegEx filter
Added Private Roads filter
Added equals/not equals to some other filters
Initial release Places Plugin
Only include last editor in output (to match other plugins)
Ability to filter based on last editor
Include creator and last editor in output
Added city RegEx filter
Added equals/not equals to some other filters
Initial release Locks Plugin
Added railroad segment type
Added city RegEx filter
Added equals/not equals to some other filters
Added +1 for one-way option for each road type
Initial release Cities Plugin
Initial release - find segments whose city doesn’t match the boundaries of a polygon layer. Map Comments Plugin
Included create and update dates in the output
Initial release - find map comments based on filter criteria
Any documentation on this yet? I want to try to use this to find “Greater XXX Area” streets to update the city on them. Is it possible to search for a city with the Streets plugin? (I might be getting my RegEx wrong though)
Some US regions (GLR, MAR) have adopted a lock level standard of +1 for one-way Streets and PS. (E.g. PS is locked at 2 unless one-way, then locked at 3.)
An enhancement to account for that (a check-box for one-way +1 next to the lock-level specification?) would be appreciated.
I love this script!!! However, the zoom level is too high. I think zoom=5 or zoom=6 is best. I used the browser’s find and replace function to get my preferred zoom. Excellent script!
The zoom level is set in such a way as to make sure the information that’s needed is available. When scanning for everything except streets a zoom level of 2 is required. Adding in streets requires a zoom level of 4. If you scan places a zoom level of 5 is needed.
Of course, that’s based purely on testing and personal experience. If you find that things are being missed at those zoom levels, please let me know. Zooming in further obviously increases the amount of time that a scan takes, so I attempted to figure out the highest zoom level I could use while still making sure all necessary information was available.
Can I ask why the “Other - drivable” road types are not being considered in the Streets plugin?
The amount of segments that are excluded just by that is huge.
Whenever I save a changed lock setting, I get the prompt for the name of the setting. I put in the name of the setting and I get a “new” entry in the drop-down list. (So right now I have 4 GLR entries.) The “all” seem to change so it doesn’t hurt, but it would be good if there were only one entry in the list for any name.
( Removed: Also, is it possible to delete a setting? :oops: Now I see it.)
Is scanning for RTCs feasible? I know it would help me greatly with auditing published closures to ensure they’re extended/cancelled when the end-dates change.